>Vatican is a Satanic institution from the top down so yes, the institution and the religion are both evil. It was the Roman re-org of the Roman Empire, that's why it's the "Roman" Catholic church and not the "Jesus Christ" Catholic church. They replaced Roman soldiers with clergy, garrisons with parishes, etc. Confession is to obtain blackmail material, the Bible was in Latin so they could lie about what it said, etc. The Vatican was and still is a soviet-style surveillance, control and psy-op organization. It was the totalitarian government of the known world from about 800 to 1500. No coincidence that shortly after the Gutenberg Bible appeared in1455 and people found out the Vatican was lying about what it said, that the Protestant Reformation occurred and Europe prospered. It's a thoroughly evil organization, with an intelligence arm (Jesuits) that says "Give me a child till the age of seven and I'll have him for life." And that's exactly what they do, that's what the institutionalized pedo practice is for. The rules are set up so they're impossible to obey, for the purpose of producing guilt and worthless feelings in the subjects, which can only be assuaged by…wait for it…CONFESSION to a PRIEST…and…GIVING MONEY TO THE VATICAN.
>What a system. And it worked pretty well except the clergy were so corrupt and depraved by Chaucer's time (1300's) that they couldn't really sell the God part anymore, they just relied on their ill gotten gains and political control to keep power.
>Are there deluded "good" people in that organization? Maybe the parishioners, but they are severely handicapped by the trauma programming. Maybe lower clergy, but they are also severely handicapped by the trauma programming and the fake narrative.