Anonymous ID: 07298b Jan. 13, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.4737051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Repost from past bread


Okay anons, time to get serious and start bringing out some heavy shit. We need to start putting pressure directly on Schumer and Pelosi's power (their positions in Congress). I am in the process of designing several graphics/memes outlining how Schumer and Pelosi can be removed from power.


The first is by expulsion. Now this option does take a 2/3rd vote of their respective chambers, which is currently a remote possibility, HOWEVER, if rank and file Democrats get massive pressure from patriotic American citizens, it is still a possibility. Either way, it is pressure we can put on Schumer and Pelosi and they will get scared shitless if they begin to believe it is even a remote possibility.


According to research, there is no recall process in the Constitution for Senators or Representatives. The expulsion option is the only removal tool available. We need to get Schumer and Pelosi's attention, so we need our hashtags to be:








or if you want to type a lot:





