Anonymous ID: 14e5b6 Jan. 13, 2019, 6 a.m. No.4737072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You make a good point if this were a political battle, which it is not. There are thousands and thousands(left that sink in a minute) of DS operatives working WITHIN the US govt, including Congress. However, these people are pawns, they are bought and paid for, they are bribed shills they are not the shotcallers. The goals is to take down the evil that permeates the US govt, and practically every govt, along with multinational corporations, major churches, colleges,media outlets, entertainment industries, as well as banking,advertising, and education throughout the world. This is not a left/right or liberal/conservative battle (while it may appear so at times) this is a battle against the evil that has organized and systematically destroyed life on earth for thousands of years. This is a battle for personal freedom from evil oppression and blind slavery to a organization that tries to remain unseen and hidden in the shadows. The US govt is small potatoes in the war against demonic forces. This is a worldwide revolution for freedom.