Anonymous ID: 93060e Jan. 13, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.4737189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7203 >>7480 >>7558 >>7608

Digging on ginsburgs gloves… Looks like they are a gift given to freemasons…


>In the continental rites of Masonry, as practised in France, in Germany, and in other countries of Europe, it is an invariable custom to present the newly-initiated candidate not only, as we do, with a white leather apron, but also with two pairs of white kid gloves, one a man's pair for himself, and the other a woman's, to be presented by him in turn to his wife or his betrothed, according to the custom of the German masons, or, according to the French, to the female whom he most esteems, which, indeed, amounts, or should amount, to the same thing.


The tomb sculpture of Henry II in Fontevrault Abbey, France shows the king wearing wrist-length gloves with embroidery.


Short gloves should not be worn to a “white tie” event, court presentation or gala ball.


Gloves may appear to be an “innocent” article of dress, but they actually have one of the most thought-provoking histories of all garments.