Anonymous ID: 9416e7 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:31 a.m. No.4737249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7261



TBH, I think the reason AJ is getting shafted is because he didn't play nice ENOUGH. He works for a Zionist company and he went rogue too many times.


Not saying he isn't comped, because he obviously is EXTREMELY comped, but I think the man himself is slightly more sincere than I've been giving him credit for.


Q doesn't want to open that can of worms yet (saving Israel for last).


That's all, not trying to be pro-AJ or anything, but I think there are two sides to this story.

Anonymous ID: 9416e7 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.4737300   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You and I both know that NOBODY in the mainstream ever gets to the heart of the artichoke.


The fact that he calls out George Soros on daily basis is impressive when you compare him to people like Hannity, Carlson, Limbaugh, etc. who would never dream of it.


You have to understand that he is comped because he works for zionists, just like everyone else, but I'm done hating him.


You've gotta take him for what he's worth.


He's not Q, he can't say everything, I don't watch his show anymore, but I can see that he's getting destroyed by this Sandy Hook lawsuit. And I feel just a little bad for him.


I've worked for the jews, I know what it's like. My sympathies.