Anonymous ID: 9e96b8 Jan. 13, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.4737387   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7418


Agree with the CIA and FBI assessment. But No Such Agency has been liberated by military Intel Patriots. And, DHS encompasses USCG, ICE and CBP; all very much needed.


CIA has ALWAYS been the Operations Section of the CFR.

Anonymous ID: 9e96b8 Jan. 13, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.4737523   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7570


I feel you, Anon. I do. I’m Libertarian in most regards as well. But the NSA, empowered by Patriot/Liberty Acts was the Orwellian plan to spy on the People. It is now in the hands of Patriots. The Patriots are using the NSA against the very people who created it and authorized its illegal uses. My hope is that when they are done, strict privacy laws will be passed that bolster the 4th Amendment. Until then, it is being used as a necessary evil. The CIA has always been used as the ops section of the Cabal/City of a London/CFR types, and never for the security of the people. It just needs to go away. Any threat to national security can be handled by DoD/DIA…as you pointed out. FBI has always been the Cabal domestic enforcement arm, used to keep the Corporatocracy and Bankers in line with the Cabal rules, and to cover the crimes of their handlers. It needs to go. DHS could be re-structured, as many of its agencies are very much needed.