Open totalitarianism in Kalifornia
Open totalitarianism in Kalifornia
Watch the water rights in South Sann joaquin valley. It's da joos. Again.
Look sharp Renfield. We are shopping for fresh organs.
2 orders of Indefinite Detention coming right up!
DiFi was looking ghastly around the midterm elections. Now she's giggling like a little girl…
Bitch deserves to be executed.
We all got on her hit list when she was in high school. Really. She has said so many time.
We wants the Golan Heights. We wants it. It's our precious, precious.
Thea Alexander really didn't think this whole Avatar thing through. But PKD sure did.
2150 AD
Piper In The Woods
Looks like it's confusing the cops. Their masonic checkerboards will do.
Zionism is an imperialist psop created by (((Lord Palerston))). These "jews" aren't the hebrews of the Bible. They are chumps and imperialist lackey running dogs getting played by black venetian lunatics. The Israel Project is part of an operation that broke up the Ottoman empire and prevented Eurasians from effectively defending themselves from the vermin. The Islam Project is part 2 - for all the marbles. Brainwash the kids, Divide and Rule in Hell forever.
As we await the trials, convictions and executions, sir.