what is this used for? cartels drive these blue barrels around a lot. four, six at a time.
How Crystal Meth is Produced
How Crystal Meth is produced only takes a little research on the internet and an investment of a few hundred dollars in over-the-counter medications and chemicals. The drug can be made in a makeshift "lab" that can fit into a suitcase. Some intelligence figures suggest that the average Crystal Meth "cook" teaches ten other people how to make the drug each year.
The production required to make methamphetamine from precursor substances is easier and more accessible than ever. Over-the-counter cold and asthma medications containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, red phosphorous, hydrochloric acid, drain cleaner, battery acid, lye, lantern fuel, and antifreeze are among the ingredients most commonly used.
These precursors are substances that, in nature, might be inactive. However, how Crystal Meth is produced combines these chemicals and the result is a new product. Methamphetamine starts with an inactive or marginally-inactive compound (ephedrine or pseudoephedrine) and other chemicals are added to produce the drug.
Some of those ingredients include:
Crystal Meth
Ephedrine Tablets
Lantern Fuel
Muriatic Acid
Pseudoephedrine Tablets
Red Phosphorous
Sulphuric Acid