Ok, faries, listen up. I have a theory. (And I must be right because faggotry.)
NOTE: I have reservations about this, but I write here to get the thoughts out there. (See end for reservations.)
I strongly suspect the Parkland high school "incident" was a very shrewd sting. I believe Q & Co. had control over enough of the high level asshat/cianigger comms to get them to activate Cruz but also had the whole thing set up so as to appear absurd. Did Cruz' gun work? Is Cruz a mole? Hard to tell at this point.
There are many oddities that stand out to make Parkland even more absurd than Sandy Hook:
1) Cruz' family was contacted 39 times in the past 26 months.
2) Cruz had said repeatedly to others (and this was known) that he wanted to shoot up schools.
3) FBI was told and nothing happened even in this egregious case.
4) School was having active shooter drills and kids were told they'd be blanks. This would prevent the kids from having any actual trauma from the incident. Yes, they'd think it was real, but none of the real kids saw anything if this was a set-up.
5) The use of crisis actors in this case is just SOOOO obvious.
6) Photos of laptops shot with white blotches in the screens immediately afterward. Almost like half-convincing evidence planted.
7) All the above points are so bad that is is backfiring in the public space.
*) I could go on but fuQ that.
The number of wins for the white-hats for this sting would be YUUGE:
1) Nobody gets hurt (those reported as dead aren't.) These could be revealed later after the conspiracy is revealed.
2) /ourguys/ are the first responders and likely the armed guy on the school grounds who never entered a building.
4) Q can observe this whole act going on, gather the evidence to FRY the cianiggers.
5) Q can observe the crisis actor company and funders and FRY the asshats.
6) Q knows MSM will parrot the talking points, so they can be discredited in public in the reveal.
7) The reveal gives Q the perfect opportunity to use the undercover operation that 'thwarted the mass shooting' as a narrative change toward MKULTRA because Cruz was an MKULTRA alter boy. This blows the CIA topic and cabal WIDE FUCKING OPEN in a way that only 4-6% of the population would argue with once presented with evidence.
8) This coming to light would scare the living shit out of any deep cover holdouts. It would demonstrate that MI isn't playin' and suddenly reduced sentences for coming forward looks like a damn good idea. (Think: race to out your cohorts.)
9) The location "Parkland" is also directly relevant to the medical care of JFK after his untimely murder and would further send unbridled fear to the cianiggers.
69) We all live happily ever after and we all screw a lot of hot Pepe headed green babes with big frog boobs.
IMO, the above also fits a plausible Q timeline as I've observed so far. Of course, I'm guessing because Qfaggot leaves me no alternative. (FucQ-I<3UQ.)
As a side note - it explains the guys taking shit out of the school - good guys getting rid of prop faggotry.
Reservations: If anyone died, then flush the above. I do not believe Q's plan includes allowing even small chances that someone dies unless it is in the line of duty and they knowingly take that risk. There have been those who said that the parents of the deceased couldn't have been acting. I suggest they don't know that professional actors are capable of making you think they're getting their leg sawed off. One way to do this is to employ actors who have actually lost a child so it is easier to channel their own grief.
I hate actors. I've heard in ancient Greece, actors were considered the lowest form of scum. I'll visit Greece someday.
GOD DAMMIT. If this turns out to be true, I get another friggin' cookie. I need some eggotry.