about >>471120
so there was the link rusal/nornickel and added rosatom with deripaska… and deripaska/manafort
my two reactions on it point to a link rothschild & a link to mccain…
was searching now on david J. Kramer… the one that plead the fifth (connected to mccain)… and came to indeed a link to manafort:
kramer when at freedom house, was trying to solve ukraine-problem,
http:// khpg.org/en/index.php?id=1386644985
before that he wanted yanukovich gone, he supported yanukovich:
http:// euromaidanpress.com/2014/01/29/the-president-of-the-freedom-house-david-kramer-the-time-has-come-for-yanukovych-to-make-the-right-conclusion-and-resign/
manafort was working for yanukovich in that same time…
so again a link to mccain & manafort, now in ukraine… manafort was also the one that connected mccain & deripaska
above that manafort is tied to the podesta group concerning ukraine..
maybe mueller really is cleaning up…
in this article there may be interesting info to go further on: https:// helenaglass.net/2016/08/18/manafort-soros-throwing-decoys-at-trump/
i also found this interesting article:
https:// www.circa.com/story/2017/06/21/heres-the-russia-influence-controversy-that-john-mccain-doesnt-want-you-to-know-about
i'm done for today.. whole day from article to article, from site to site, reading, confirming, re-reading, ..
so all the crooks together in ukraine: manafort - mccain - podesta group - biden's son - … linked deripaska to nornickel, and connected to rosatom… it's one big swamp!
see ya next time.. now headache :^p