Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.4738764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8791 >>8897

German MP Petr Bystron Responds to Refugee Stabbing Pregnant Woman and Killing Her Unborn Baby at Hospital in Germany, ‘Illegal Immigration is Not Mercy — It is Murder’


A pregnant Polish woman at a hospital in Germany was stabbed in the stomach by an Afghan asylum-seeker during a hospital stay on Friday — the unborn baby did not survive.


The murder and attempted murder took place at a hospital in the western German town of Bad Kreuznach. The woman and the asylum-seeker had got into an argument when he pulled out a knife and repeatedly stabbed her in the stomach.


The Gateway Pundit spoke to German Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Petr Bystron about the murder. He stated that “illegal immigration is not mercy – it is murder.”


“While the radical Left in the USA wants to persuade you that illegal immigrants are no more criminal than legal ones, or than normal citizens, we here in Germany have been experiencing what mass illegal immigration means since 2015: Violence against women, against children, against Jews, against gays,” Bystron said. “The simple fact is: if you are willing to break a country’s laws to get in, you are probably willing to break them again once you are in – with horrible, tragic consequences for the most vulnerable members of society. Illegal immigration is not mercy – it is murder.”


Polish MP Dominik Tarczyński also responded to the news by telling the Gateway Pundit that “it’s time for Europe to fight for it’s life.” He added that “they will kill us all, one by one.”


Police said the man was a 25-year-old Afghan asylum-seeker, who had come to the hospital to visit the woman, DW reports.

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:32 a.m. No.4738782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8800

Pompeo Calls For Regime Change In Venezuela After "Illegitimate" Maduro Re-election


While standing in a Gulf Arab capital on Saturday, continuing his eight day tour of the Middle East primarily to assure allies that the US hasn't "abandoned" to region to Iran with its impending Syria pullout, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed another "pariah state" problem, but thousands of miles away in Latin America, ironically while standing in an "allied" Gulf autocratic sheikhdom.


Speaking to reporters in the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi he spoke about regime change — this time not in the Middle East — but in Venezuela, another country under various forms of sanctions by the US for over a decade. In surprisingly provocative comments Pompeo threw the United States' full weight behind Venezuela's opposition seeking to depose President Nicolás Maduro, who days prior on Thursday was inaugurated for another, much-disputed six-year term, which many Western leaders have refused to recognize.

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.4738828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8862 >>8909

Grandmas Start New Grandmothers for Abortion Group to Promote Aborting Grandkids


A group of elderly women wearing yellow T-shirts with the word “GRR!” splashed across the front gained public attention recently at the Maine state Capitol as they advocated for abortion, the Free Press reports.


GRR! stands for “Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights.” The group seeks to educate women at the local level about the pro-abortion agenda, and encourage women to speak with their local government officials about supporting abortion and other reproductive health issues. About 40 grandmothers participate in GRR!, according to the report.


Judy Kahrl founded the group after traveling to Africa and noticing young women who postponed family and childbearing for education and career. She said she noticed a disconnect with American society where abortion is more commonplace and yet the “pro-choice” crowd remains largely silent. So, she said she decided to start the local advocacy group GRR! on the Maine homefront.


“Abortion is a sticking point for many because it has become connected to religion,” Kahrl told the Free Press. “It’s not a religious issue. It’s not a Republican or Democratic issue. Reproductive freedom is a human rights issue.”


“This isn’t about us,” Kahrl added. “We’ve had our children and grandchildren. This is for them.”


Kahrl’s father, Dr. Clarence Gamble, associated with Procter and Gamble, graduated from Harvard Medical School, and later his practice delved into women’s health issues including birth control advocacy, according to the New Maine Times.


Gamble was “good friends” with Margaret Sanger, the founder of the Planned Parenthood abortion business, according to the report. He founded a grassroots organization called “Pathfinder International” devoted to international reproductive health education, including the promotion of abortion. Judy Kahrl sometimes accompanied her father on these trips, the report continued.


For many grandmothers, however, their feelings are quite the opposite about abortion. Many grandmothers are saddened by the abortion of their future grandchildren, the National Catholic Register reports. Special Rachel’s Vineyards retreats have been considered and implemented for grandparents grieving the loss of their aborted grandchildren, the report continues.


“The Rachel’s Vineyard retreat was a powerful experience of healing for me and really went to the heart of my post abortion trauma and grief and helped me to find peace and closure,” one mourning grandmother commented on the Priests for Life blog. “I formed a number of close friendships from that experience and we remained in touch at support group meetings and social events loving and supporting, and praying for one another.”

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.4738886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8973

Maria Bartiromo GOES OFF! DESTROYS Liberal Democrat Rep. Jim Himes on Fake Russian Collusion (VIDEO)


Holy crap!

Maria Bartiromo is an AMERICAN HERO!

Maria’s takedown of liberal hack Rep. Jim Himes (D-CO) was absolutely A-MA-ZING!


They should study this segment in journalism schools — they won’t, but they should!


Maria Bartiromo on Sunday destroyed Rep. Himes after he tried to play slick with the facts on the Deep State FISA abuse. Bartiromo also got this liberal hack to admit there is no proof of collusion between Donald Trump, his campaign and the Russians.

Yet, Democrats and their liberal media continue to push this revolting lie.


Maria Bartiromo: let’s be honest… I only bring this up because we have this constant talk of collusion in the zeitgeist and we still have yet to see any real evidence. So at some tpoint the American people need some honesty… No, you say you have circumstantial evidence that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians. I have not heard it yet. I’d like to hear the facts. Are you just saying that to put it out there in the zeitgeist so everybody is thinking maybe, maybe not? But the truth is there’s nothing. And there hasn’t been anything in a year and a half, Congressman.


Rep. Jim Himes: OK, let me try one more time. The president’s son asked the Russians to Trump Tower for a meeting…


Maria Bartiromo: Actually, I believe the story is that THEY contacted Donald Trump Jr. He didn’t contact them. They contacted him.


Rep. Jim Himes: …Maria, how many of the president’s people are now going to jail for lying about contacts with Russians? Why do you lie about contacts with Russians?


Maria Bartiromo: The contacts have NOTHING TO DO with collusion. You know that…



Finally a reporter pushed back on the Democrat hacks!



VOTER POLL: Should The DOJ Open A Special Counsel Investigation Of Robert Mueller?


Watch the whole thing.

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.4738918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9155

Greek defense minister resigns, PM Tsipras calls vote of confidence in govt


Greece’s defense minister has resigned in protest against a deal that would end a years-old dispute with Macedonia over its name. Panos Kammenos’ exit could endanger the ruling coalition government ahead of national elections.


Kammenos submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Sunday. Speaking after the meeting, he said that “The Macedonia name issue… doesn’t allow me not to sacrifice the minister’s chair.”


Following the news, Tsipras announced that he will call a confidence vote in his government next week.


Greece has a province called Macedonia and has repeatedly called on Skopje to change its country's name, which Athens considers an affront to Greek sovereignty. For years, Athens has blocked Macedonia’s entry to the European Union and NATO, citing the name dispute.


The two countries recently agreed on a name change – the Republic of North Macedonia – but Kammenos said any deal including "Macedonia" in the name of the Balkan state to Greece's north was unacceptable.


Macedonia’s parliament ratified the name change deal on Friday, but it will not go into effect until Athens does the same.


The country’s main opposition, the conservative New Democracy party, said it will block the deal.


The Independent Greeks – the small party which Kammenos leads – formed a coalition with Tsipras in 2015, giving the prime minister a slim majority in parliament. Kammenos has vowed that he would also pull six other ministers from his party out of the government.


The future of the ruling coalition government remains unclear. Greece will hold parliamentary elections in October. Tsipras’s coalition has 153 seats in the 300-strong parliament, 145 of them from his leftist Syriza party.

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:47 a.m. No.4738947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8968

‘We struck thousands of targets’: IDF chief of staff on Israel’s ‘near-daily’ strikes in Syria


The outgoing IDF chief of staff has acknowledged that Israel has been bombing Syria on a “near-daily” basis for years, in a massive military campaign allegedly aimed at degrading Tehran’s supposed military buildup in the region.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rarely acknowledge striking specific targets in Syria but its outgoing chief of staff just openly confessed to running a large-scale bombing campaign in its neighbor’s territory. In 2018 alone, Israel dropped around 2,000 bombs on alleged Iran-linked targets, Gadi Eisenkot told the New York Times in his final interview as chief of staff of the IDF before he retires next week.


“We struck thousands of targets without claiming responsibility or asking for credit,” Eisenkot stated, confessing to carrying out strikes on a “near-daily” basis.


Later Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed that Israeli air forces attacked a warehouse at Damascus airport late Friday, verifying the information issued by the Syrian military. Netanyahu said the IDF has “succeeded impressively in stopping Iran's military build up in Syria, and in this context, the IDF has attacked hundreds of times Iranian and Hezbollah targets.”


While the Syrian government repeatedly accuses the Jewish state of constantly violating its sovereignty and aiding the terrorists by their raids in the country’s airspace, Eisenkot claimed the Israeli actions are justified – and that, anyway, neither Damascus nor Tehran can do anything about it.


We have complete intelligence superiority in this area. We enjoy complete aerial superiority. We have strong deterrence and we have the justification to act.


Despite the Lieutenant General’s claim about a moral high ground in the battle against the perceived Iranian threat, the Israeli Air Force was caught in several reckless –and sometimes lethal– actions during their missions in Syria. On Christmas Day the Israeli jets used two civilian aircraft in flight as cover to engage targets in Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said, noting that the IDF’s F-16s flew in as civilian jets were landing at Beirut and Damascus airports.


While a tragedy involving civilian airliners was averted last month, similar Israeli tactics led to horrific consequences before. On September 17, Israeli jets put Russian Il-20 recon plane into the path of Syrian air defense interceptor missile after failing to give Moscow enough warning of a strike on Syrian targets.

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.4738963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Watch the Water


California Dem Gov. Gavin Newsom wheels out plan for new statewide tax on drinking water


Proposal already facing opposition


California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) wants to tax the state's drinking water, a move he says will allow poor people access to safe and affordable water.

When did this come up?


Newsom's proposed 2019-20 budget includes the creation a "safe and affordable drinking water fund," to "enable the State Water Resources Control Board to assist communities, particularly disadvantaged communities, in paying for the short-term and long-term costs of obtaining access to safe and affordable drinking water," reported.


The Association of California Water Agencies, which represents more than 400 water suppliers across the state, swiftly rebuked the idea of a water tax. In a statement, the association said it would be “highly problematic" and not necessary due to what it calls the state's ample budget surplus.


"The vast majority of the state's residents have access to safe drinking water, but a small percentage of the population does not," the association stated. "This unacceptable reality is a social issue for the State of California. ACWA believes that making access to safe drinking water for all Californians should be a top priority for the State. However, a statewide water tax is highly problematic and is not necessary when alternative funding solutions exist and the state has a huge budget surplus."


Orange County Republican Travis Allen, who ran for governor in 2018, also blasted the idea.


"In one of his first official acts @GavinNewsom wants to TAX YOUR WATER," Allen tweeted. "There is no limit to what @TheDemocrats will tax or excuses they'll make to TAKE YOUR MONEY. It's time Republicans start fighting and TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA!!"

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:51 a.m. No.4738974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9008 >>9130

Dems party with more than 100 lobbyists in Puerto Rico despite partial government shutdown


Despite the partial government shutdown, which is now the longest in United States history, 30 Democratic congressional lawmakers flew to Puerto Rico this weekend for a winter retreat to vacation and meet with more than 100 lobbyists and corporate executives.

What are the details?


According to the Washington Examiner, 30 Democratic lawmakers — including their families and chiefs of staff — flew to Puerto Rico on a chartered 737 jet on Friday, where they planned to meet with 109 lobbyists and corporate executives, attend several parties, and see a special showing of the hit Broadway play "Hamilton."


Those attending the retreat, hosted by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC, also partook in some business, including attending a roundtable to discuss Hurricane Maria cleanup.


"We are excited for you to join us for CHC BOLD PAC's 2019 Winter Retreat in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Each year, this retreat serves as a way for our CHC BOLD PAC Members and friends in the D.C. community to come together to escape the cold and discuss our shared priorities for a stronger and more prosperous country," a memo for the event said, according to the Examiner.


Lobbyists and corporate executives from Facebook, Amazon, Comcast, R.J. Reynolds, Verizon, Microsoft, Intel, and PhRMA were in attendance, in addition to representatives from major unions like the National Education Association.


Officials from BOLD PAC did not reveal which lawmakers made the trip. But, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) was spotted on a beach by a Fox News producer on Saturday:


Retreat participants stayed at a seaside resort where rooms go for $429 per night, the Examiner reported.


Additionally, the chartered jet carried just 250 pounds of donated medical supplies.

What did the PAC say?


Given the situation in Washington, the trip has garnered negative attention. However, BOLD PAC chairman Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.) said the criticism is unfounded.

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:54 a.m. No.4739006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Obama HUD Secretary Julián Castro Announces 2020 Run For President


On Saturday, Julián Castro officially announced his intention to run for president in 2020. Castro served as President Obama’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary from 2014 - 2017. Prior to his work in the Obama administration, Castro was the mayor of San Antonio, Texas.


The following are 10 key moments from his announcement speech:




To be the smartest nation requires an early investment in our children's education. As mayor, I challenged the voters to raise the sales tax to expand high-quality full-day pre-K for thousands of San Antonio four-year-olds. … As president, I'll make pre-K for the USA happen. Universal pre-K for all children whose parents want it so that all of our nation's students can get a strong start.




And we’ll work to make sure every American has a safe, decent, and affordable place to live in this country.


Health Care


To be the healthiest nation, we need a better health care system in this country. Not a health care system that bends to the will of big pharma or the big insurers, but a health care system that's built for the people who actually need health care.


… Medicare should be there for everybody in this country. It's time for Medicare for all; universal health care for every single American.


Justice System


To be the fairest nation, we have to reform and reimagine our justice system. All over this nation, for far too many people of color, any interaction with the police can become fatal. If police in Charleston can arrest Dylann Roof after he murdered nine people worshiping at Bible study without hurting him, then don't tell me that Michael Brown and Tamir Rice and Aiyana Jones and Eric Garner and Jason Pero and Stephon Clark and Sandra Bland shouldn't still be alive today.


We're gonna keep saying their names and those of too many others just like them who are victims of state violence. We're gonna keep saying that black lives matter while working toward a justice system where that's true.


President Trump


There is a crisis today; it's a crisis of leadership. Donald Trump has failed to uphold the values of our great nation.




We can raise the minimum wage so that people don't have to work two or three jobs just to put food on the table.




We must also reform our immigration system so that keeping families together instead of tearing them apart is our policy. … Yeah, we have to have border security, but there's a smart and a humane way to do it – and there is no way in hell that caging babies is a smart or a good or a right way to do it.


We say "No" to building a wall, and "Yes" to building community. We say "No" to scapegoating immigrants, and "Yes" to DREAMers, "Yes" to keeping families together, "Yes" to finally passing comprehensive immigration reform in this country.




We can protect a woman's right to make her own decisions about her body because for women, access to reproductive health care is an economic issue.




We can protect people from discrimination no matter who they love or how they identify.


Climate Change


The biggest threat to our prosperity in this 21st century is climate change. Don't let anybody tell you that we have to choose between growing our economy and protecting our planet. We can fight climate change and create great jobs in America. And here's the thing, we don't have a moment to waste. Scientists tell us that if we don't get serious about this right now, the consequences will be tragic. So we won't wait. As president, my first executive order will recommit the United States to the Paris Climate Accord. We're gonna say "No" to subsidizing big oil and say "Yes" to passing a Green New Deal.


All the guilty are running

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:55 a.m. No.4739026   🗄️.is 🔗kun



SPLC Won’t Support Women’s March Over Anti-Semitism


The Southern Poverty Law Center announced that it will not partner with the Women’s March on Saturday amid reports of anti-Semitism throughout the group’s leadership.


Jen Fuson, a spokeswoman for the SPLC, told The Daily Beast, “other projects were a priority,” but she added that they would partner with the localized marches where they have offices.


Back in December, a Tablet Magazine investigative report revealed that two of the Women’s March founders, Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory, accosted a Jewish woman who was in a meeting and spouted false allegations that Jewish people “bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people” and “were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade.”


The report also revealed connections between some of the founders and Nation of Islam leader and known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. Last year, Farrakhan compared Jews to “termites” in a video that he posted on Twitter.


The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington (JCRCGW) and Zioness, two organizations that identify as progressive, previously told The Daily Caller that they also would not support the march. Both groups specified that they would not support the national organization, but would support a march if it’s one of the local ones.


Guila Franklin Siegel, the associate director of the JCRCGW, told TheDC, “We’re in a situation where we completely support the message of our local march but attending the march means joining in with a crowd that is going to be led by women whose behavior we find and actions we find unconscionable.”

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.4739052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9063

Protesters attempted to storm City Hall as Yellow Vest protests entered 9th week in France


More than 84,000 people took part in the protests in Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lyon, Strasbourg, and other French cities on Saturday.

Clashes eventually erupted at the iconic Champs Ulysses and Arc de Triomphe, with police using tear gas and water cannons to calm the angry crowds, RT reports. In Paris alone, 156 people were arrested during the standoff, with most of them put in custody, the law enforcers said.

In Nimes, protesters attempted to storm City Hall and police deployed tear gas against them. Clashes were also reported in Bourges in central France, where the local authorities said that 5,000 were rallying.

Around 1,000 demonstrators also made their way to the hippodrome and caused a delay of races in the horseracing town of Chantilly, north of Paris.

The French government earlier vowed zero tolerance for violence at the protests, with 80,000 security personnel deployed across France on the weekend.

The Yellow Vest movement, which took its name from the high-visibility jackets worn by the demonstrators, kicked off in November over a government-proposed hike in fuel taxes. As the weekend protests saw more people participating and started turning violent, the government dropped the planned increase. But the demonstrations continued as the movement morphed into wider discontent with President Emmanuel Macron’s pro-business agenda, a decline in living standards, and growing inequality.

Anonymous ID: 225374 Jan. 13, 2019, 10 a.m. No.4739071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9081 >>9082

Macron Party Demands Yellow Vest Facebook Page Be Shut Down over ‘Hate’ Messages


A local branch of French President Emmanuel Macron’s La République En Marche! (LREM) has demanded that a Facebook page belonging to the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) be removed due to “hate messages.”


The LREM branch in the department of Sarthe, the 72nd department in France, has demanded that Facebook remove the group “Colère 72” (Anger 72) over “hateful” messages directed toward LREM MP Marlène Schiappa, France Bleu reports.


The group, which has been active since the start of the Yellow Vest Movement in November, is currently under investigation according to an LREM press release which stated that the Le Mans public prosecutor was looking into the group over allegations of disturbing the public order.


The party added that they had collected several hateful messages posted on the group’s page including threats of violence toward Ms Schiappa who recently said she wanted to know the details of those Yellow Vest movement supporters giving money to a legal fund for boxer Christophe Dettinger who fought barehanded with riot police last week in Paris.


“The question I asked is: who finances the rioters? Foreign powers? The question is not is not incongruous, given the positions of Italian officials,” Schiappa said earlier this week.


The Colère 72 Facebook group has so far not been taken down by the social media giant despite the request from the LREM branch and boasts well over 27,000 members.


Facebook and other social media platforms have been a key tool for the Yellow Vest Movement which is largely organised online.


While the Yellow Vests have made substantial gains and forced President Macron to make concessions on issues from raising the minimum wage to fuel tax hikes, the protests are still scheduled to continue Saturday.


The movement has recently championed the idea of citizen-initiated referendums which would allow citizens to vote on laws, repeal laws, remove elected officials from office or even amend the French constitution by popular referendum.