Anonymous ID: ef4f90 Jan. 13, 2019, 9:50 a.m. No.4738972   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is the core of their proposed agenda for the last 10 years currently, the masses are waking up to the propaganda because you cannot go through life believing the same negative lie and crap forever. In human behavior (normal, not the psychopathic behavior that we are subjected to day in and out on the FAKE MSM and in the dem camp) people's anger and resentment subside, they question their original reaction, they start to put layers of reason and logic on top of the emotional response so that the brain and body can balance it all out. I have said his before on their play to our emotions and sympathy, they seem to really believe "we" are as one-sided as (they) are. But we are not, we are and I mean most normal folk, want to move on from a bad thing, we want to believe that we as a species can learn and move on.


The other side of this is the Blame TRUMP, TRUMP for all of the inequity and evils of the world has fallen flat, no man no matter how powerful can do all of the evils in our society, most people know this, I truly see now the directed focused attack on him, on us and our sovereignty more today than ever. He is starting to look like the lone victim here, as tough as POTUS is, he looks like he is a man who stands alone on principle, will that sell to many on the left, well not as first but as more time passes the opposition will revealed for what they are trying to do. And maybe thats what this whole movement is all about. Bringing it down form within, justice is a patient woman, I will continue to enjoy the show.