a<>a<:3)-- ID: 48b724 They both want a shutdown Jan. 13, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.4739635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9668

Have you considered that both sides want a government shutdown that will crash the system?

Dem Reasons:

1. Mobilize poor people on the dole to riot.

2. Destabilize the government and install dictator.

3. They think they can win because it is like the Hillary Plan.

Trump Reasons:

1.There is too much corruption to establish a black list of programs

2. Fund no programs and then use the courts to fund needed programs.(Air traffic, ICE, etc)

3. Let the people riot and they will destroy their own housing, stores, cities.

4. Military is prepared for riot control. Rioters will populate FEMA camps.

5. People will have to get jobs to have any food and shelter and medical.

6. Migrants can be deported if caught rioting.

7. Government funds will be cut off from corrupt programs.

8. The Government will not have to borrow to fund the budget.(No one will loan them money at this point).

9. Essential services can be funded on an AD Hoc basis.(Social Security,Military, Infra Structure repair)

10. Take control of the Fed and have a US controlled money supply.


Likly Outcome.

Democrats will support the people with no skills and the people with tech skill, banker skills.

Trump will support the small business owners and the workers in our society.

There will be a clash of cultures.