Anonymous ID: da759a Jan. 13, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.4739980   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good Afternoon Everyone!


I had an interesting conversation with a fellow at the Pittsburgh 2A rally, I was able to speak with one of the speakers, He had an interesting message that caught my attention,


So at the conclusion of the rally, we had an opportunity to speak to with the speakers.. I just couldn't help myself. I asked this Speaker if the number 17 meant anything to him… He replied, with a grin.. well Q is the 17th letter of the aphabet…


so that opened a door to discussion of course. He said that Q's Message needs to be brought to the normies, which is what motivated him to speak. I asked him to send me a transcript of his speech. And he finally did today. The speaker said he had a busy week, but I wanted to share this with you all.


He said he likes to lurk on our board, and enjoys the research that we all provide. He said I was the only Anon that had approached him. He did write on the board a few times asking for people to come find him at the rally.


He wants to spread the message of unity. The speaker obviously was concerned about being doxxed by the public for his views. So he toned his speech down a bit. The speaker said he was working closely with a few pro 2A groups trying bridge the communications gaps and get everyone on the same page.


He felt that there is a lot of division in the 2A community, he wants to try to fix that. People get hung up on every little detail. As he put it.. we can agree to disagree on things. But we should never work against each other. In his speech he talked about that as well.


He said to keep his eyes on Pennslyvania, as he felt its an Epicenter for Corruption. (election fraud etc) he didn't elaborate passed saying that the midterms had an unusual amount of help calls and other issues with the electronic machines. ( someone close to him fielded phone calls)


This is the first time I Have reached out and spoke to another Anon in RL. It was pretty neat. We even share professions… The speaker thinks that a lot of out of state money is being funneled into the state to work on destroying the gun rights in the state.. knowing full well that the mayors campaign was sponsored by Bloomburg.


The speaker also said its important that we all work together to wake up the normies. Use soft language to get them to see the dangers. The speaker said he had to water his speech down to the audience.. he felt that if he went brimstone and fire that he would scare the normies and close them off. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find his speech anywhere else but on facebook live streams. All of the speakers had great messages. However his stuck out the most.

