BS! Oldfag here & never ever did that! Always over the heart with your hand saying the pledge
Yeah & that antler situation on his cap is NOT John Deere..but (((they))) love antlers for sure.
This is John Deere tractor equip company logo.
Snowblower same color as his cap.. why isn't he in PR with the rest of the losers?
Well, gee thanks I guess. I always thought I was an oldfag with all you guise being so very damn young. I'll take it as a compliment anon but this pic is disturbing..never not gonna place my hand over my heart for our flag tho.
Anon, if you go back & look at the list of resignations, their are more R's than D's that have resigned if that's worth anything in the big picture..prolly not. Most all are guilty as hell
Who the hell is this?