Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.4749359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9374


read a simple explanation for quantum…. basically it is servers stacked upward rather than only a slower liner transmission, so they can stack the info spread it out further and faster not backing up linear flow


just image the things you could place between the stacks with that speed of calculating not to mention the speed it finds and draws on sources for output

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 2:07 a.m. No.4749374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9387 >>9673


it may even be part of interdimensional travel if you can move certain 'rows' or 'stacks' of info,material, whatever, move them over here for now, can you step thru the empty spaces.


Has to do with atoms as well, no sci-anon just spent some interested time on it. and I'm quite sure all managed with frequencies for which we have not the keys … YET

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 2:26 a.m. No.4749440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9943

image 1: CIA operative agency flowchart



images 2,3,4,5, index of emails & their topics included in document dump


US Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare, FM3-05.130, 30 Sep 2008

this ^^ was included in Wiki dump; image 5,_FM3-05.130,_30_Sep_2008

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 2:30 a.m. No.4749449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed


dropped this link before months ago….. might be useful now that other pieces have fallen into place

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 2:40 a.m. No.4749472   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OUTRAGED parents pull their child out of a class in an L.A school for teaching Islam!! Yes this is happening!!😳

I'd sue that school district!!




twitter video:

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 2:52 a.m. No.4749506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9518 >>9867 >>9968

No-confidence vote looms over May’s cabinet as PM makes last-ditch Brexit appeal

Published time: 14 Jan, 2019 10:32


No-confidence vote looms over May’s cabinet as PM makes last-ditch Brexit appeal

FILE PHOTO. Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May. ©Reuters / Toby Melville

British Prime Minister Theresa May is to appeal for the Brexit deal on Monday, arguing it is MPs’ duty to split with the EU. Her cabinet is facing a no-confidence vote after an expected defeat of the deal on Tuesday.

May is to deliver two speeches on Monday in a last-ditch effort to convince legislators to support the deal her government negotiated with the EU on the terms of Britain’s divorce with the Union. One is to be delivered to workers of the leave-supporting city of Stoke-on-Trent in central England. Another one will come at the Parliament, which is scheduled to vote on Tuesday on whether to accept the Brexit deal, but is expected to turn down May’s plan.


In her speech to the workers, May is set to describe what essentially amounts to a parliamentary coup, which would undermine the will of the British people expressed in the 2016 Brexit referendum.



UK goes yellow: British left & right don iconic vests to vent anger over Tories, Brexit & migrants

“As we have seen over the last few weeks, there are some in Westminster who would

wish to delay or even stop Brexit and who will use every device available to them to do so,” May is to say, according to advance extracts. “I ask MPs to consider the consequences of their actions on the faith of the British people in our democracy.”


During the Tuesday vote, some 100 MPs of May’s own party as well as 10 legislators from the Democratic Unionist Party, a Northern Irish partner in her minority coalition, are expected to vote against the deal, joining the opposition. The Labour Party’s leader Jeremy Corbyn is expected to file a motion of no confidence sometime after the vote, potentially leading to a new general election.


Britain has until March 29 to endorse an orderly exit from the EU and is facing a so-called “hard Brexit” as an alternative. This scenario is likely to cause significant damage to the national economy.


As part of the effort to smooth things before the Tuesday vote, the EU and the British government are to exchange letters on Monday, meant to alleviate some of the concerns. The issue of border control between the Republic of Ireland and UK’s Northern Ireland remains the biggest point of contention.

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 3:06 a.m. No.4749544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Awkward! WikiLeaks calls out US concern for journalists with reminder of Collateral Murder video

Published time: 12 Jan, 2019 11:55

Edited time: 13 Jan, 2019 09:55


WikiLeaks has called out VP Mike Pence over his concern for jailed Reuters journalists, reminding him of the Reuters staff killed by US fire in the infamous Collateral Murder video leaked by Chelsea Manning.

Vice President Mike Pence tweeted his disappointment at a Myanmar court decision to reject the appeal of Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, who have been sentenced to seven years in jail for breaking the Official Secrets Act.


Pence described the move as a “failing a basic test in democracy,” and called on the government to release them in “the name of free & independent press.”


READ MORE: 'A testimony of evil': How Manning’s 'Collateral Murder' revelation changed history


Perhaps unsurprisingly, this appeared to remind WikiLeaks of another threat to free press, the prosecution of founder Julian Assange, who faces secret charges in the US for his role in publishing leaked documents, including US War Logs and State Department cables provided by whistleblower Chelsea Manning in 2010. Should Assange be jailed for publishing leaked documents, it could leave all media open to similar punishment.


WikiLeaks tweeted it was hard for the US to advocate for Reuters journalists convicted for telling the truth when Assange has been “arbitrarily detained, in violation of multiple UN rulings, for reporting about the US govt killing two Reuters journalists.” It tweeted a similar comment under former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s tweet about the case.

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 3:10 a.m. No.4749554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9626 >>9867 >>9968

HomeBusiness News

Ditching Russian gas will be economic suicide for Europe – analyst to RT

Published time: 14 Jan, 2019 10:43

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Ditching Russian gas will be economic suicide for Europe – analyst to RT

© GETTY IMAGES / Jeffrey Coolidge

Washington’s attempts to derail the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project to supply Russian natural gas to the European Union will definitely backfire, according to a geopolitical expert Dr. Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann.

“The more the US puts pressure on Europeans, the more there is a risk that Europeans try to detach themselves from the US and try to make a better deal with Russia,” Thomann, who heads Eurocontinent geopolitical research, told RT.


“We cannot abandon the import of Russian gas, this will be economic suicide. So the Americans also have a limit of their pressure capacity,” the analyst stressed


The comment comes as the US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell sent out warnings to German companies reminding them about significant sanctions they may face for participating in the building of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline with Russia.


Later, the US Embassy clarified that the letters were not a threat, but rather a statement of US policy. However, the clarification hasn’t stopped a number of German politicians from venting their anger.


“The matter of European energy policy must be decided in Europe, not in the US,” said German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.


“The US ambassador seems to give the impression he is a viceroy of the Washington emperor,” top Left Party MP Fabio De Masi said, urging the White House to reprimand Grenell.


“The US ambassador using direct threats towards German companies is a new unacceptable strengthening of tone in the transatlantic relationship, which the Federal Government should protest against,” said the German foreign policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU Party Juergen Hardt.


Nord Stream 2, a joint venture of Russia’s Gazprom and five European energy majors, is currently one third complete. The €9.5 billion pipeline is projected to double capacity of Russia’s gas exports to Germany via the Baltic Sea, and is supposed to come into operation by the end of the current year.

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 3:11 a.m. No.4749560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Greek parliament opens govt confidence debate, to hold vote on Wednesday – official

Published time: 14 Jan, 2019 10:51

Edited time: 14 Jan, 2019 10:56

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The Greek parliament will open a confidence debate in the government on Tuesday, with the vote expected on Wednesday night, Reuters reports, citing a parliamentary official. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called the confidence vote following the resignation of coalition partner Panos Kammenos and his Independent Greeks party on Sunday over a deal to end a decades-long dispute between Athens and Skopje over Macedonia’s name. Tsipras’ leftist Syriza party has 145 seats in the 300-seat parliament and the support of one independent lawmaker. The PM needs the support of at least five more deputies to win the confidence vote. Even if Tsipras prevails in the confidence vote, the government will have to rely on the backing of lawmakers outside his party to push through legislative initiatives. Tsipras hopes to bring the Macedonia name deal to parliament after the confidence vote, if he wins it.

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 3:32 a.m. No.4749609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9707

A Secret Capitol DC City Plan You May Not Have Seen Yet


Join me as we expose in high detail, the revelation of the method and rush to fictionalize the truth in current media. It is now obvious to me that the entire purpose of media is to fictionalize truth, in an attempt to subliminally obscure it from your discovery. You rationalize that it cant be true because it was depicted in media. And, who would tell on themselves like that?

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 3:44 a.m. No.4749649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9657 JFK Assassination: Executive Order 11110 - Did The Fed Kill JFK? eBook: James L …

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 4:46 a.m. No.4749870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9968

Russian nuclear firm wins contracts to clean up Fukushima

Published time: 14 Jan, 2019 12:00


Russian nuclear firm wins contracts to clean up Fukushima

Workers, wearing protective suits and masks, are seen near the No. 3 and No.4 reactor buildings at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant © Reuters / Toru Hanai


Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom will help Japan in handling the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant (NPP) and will be engaged in the nuclear control plan, according to the company’s CEO Aleksey Likhachev.

“We have been engaged by Japan to implement the nuclear accident management plan at the Fukushima NPP. We have won two tenders and are going ahead,” Likhachev told Russia-24 news channel.


Putin offers Russian assistance to Japan to clean up Fukushima

In September 2017, Rosatom’s First Deputy CEO Kirill Komarov said that Rosatom offered their Japanese counterparts assistance in cleaning up at the Fukushima NPP and in decommissioning other unsafe nuclear power plants.


READ MORE: Fukushima rice to be sold in Britain


That followed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement that Russia and Japan will start joint efforts to clean up after the accident.


The decommissioning of the wrecked Fukushima reactors could take several decades and cost $200 billion. Japan plans to restart 16 out of the 45 Fukushima-type reactors, while the others will be mothballed. The country intends to reduce the share of nuclear energy from 29 percent in 2011 to 21-22 percent by 2030.


Green light': #Fukushima operator to restart nuclear reactors


The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant occurred in March 2011 when a massive tsunami triggered by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake overwhelmed the reactor cooling systems at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in northeastern Japan. It caused reactor meltdowns, releasing radiation in the most dangerous nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986.


this is of course a joke, the radiation level readings we were getting was just more fear mongering, also I see "Rosatom" is heading it up so more uranium for Russia

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 4:53 a.m. No.4749887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

First PHOTOS emerge from inside crashed Iranian Boeing 707

Published time: 14 Jan, 2019 12:33

Edited time: 14 Jan, 2019 12:35


New photos show the devastation inside an Iranian Boeing 707 cargo aircraft which crashed into a residential area near Tehran. 15 of the 16 people on board were killed.

Rescue teams pulled bodies from the charred ruins of the plane, which overshot its landing, smashing into a wall separating the airport from a residential area.


As is clear from the photos, the plane broke into several pieces in the crash before bursting into flames. The aircraft’s black boxes have been recovered.

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 5 a.m. No.4749917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9923 >>9935 >>9936 >>9968

Hapless police vehicle captured on VIDEO damaging iconic Arc de Triomphe in Paris

Published time: 14 Jan, 2019 11:38


French riot police were armed to the teeth to implement a “zero-tolerance” policy on violence at Yellow Vest protests in Paris, but it turned out to be their own vehicle that did the damage at one of the capital’s iconic sites.

A video that was leaked online on Monday shows a heavily armored vehicle of the French gendarmerie ditched into glass flooring on the pavement near the Arc de Triomphe. After some wheel spinning, it manages to get out of the situation but had broken the glass, leaving a decent hole.


won't embed 15 second video

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 5:07 a.m. No.4749934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9954

Colossal 17ft, 1,300lb crocodile eats handler alive after leaping from enclosure (PHOTOS)

Published time: 14 Jan, 2019 12:47


A wildlife researcher was eaten alive after the 17-foot crocodile she was feeding leapt from its enclosure and dragged the unsuspecting woman to her death.

The woman’s horrified colleagues discovered the deceased, Deasy Tuwo, 44, still trapped in the reptile’s powerful jaws on Friday morning in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.


The 17ft, 1,300lb crocodile named Merry had ripped off both of Tuwo’s arms and severely mutilated her torso having vaulted the eight-foot-high concrete wall at the CV Yosiki Laboratory. The behemoth is reportedly a highly aggressive animal which ate another crocodile at the facility, one of its former enclosure companions.


Deasy has been described by friends and family as a “quiet person” and “an animal lover.” “She was the head of the lab. A quiet person. We're confused about how this has happened,” Former Colleague Merry Supit said as cited by The Mirror.


Rescuers battled hard to retrieve Tuwo’s remains from the enclosure, with the croc thrashing violently each time. Merry was eventually sedated and strapped to a flatbed truck before being sent for medical examinations to confirm that he had indeed eaten his handler.


"The crocodile eats chicken, tuna and meat. Everything must be fresh, he doesn't want to eat if it's frozen or has died a few days


Police are attempting to track down the owner of gigantic crocodile, who they believe to be a Japanese Businessman.


"I believe the owner must acknowledge this horrible incident. But we have neither seen him nor know where he is,” Raswin Sirait, Tomohon Police Chief, said.


We also need to know if he is legally permitted to own crocodiles and other expensive aquatics in his company. If there is no permit, he will be detained."

Anonymous ID: 4ab771 Jan. 14, 2019, 5:22 a.m. No.4749990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As thousands of sheep in Algeria are killed by disease, farmers ask, 'Where are the vaccines?'

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Flocks of sheep in Algeria have been decimated by illness. Our Observer filmed videos in the Hautes Plaines region in the Atlas Mountains of Algeria, where hundreds of sheep have died in an epidemic of ovine rinderpest in the past few months. Many livestock farmers say that the authorities left them to this fate.


Since October 2018, this epidemic of ovine rinderpest has spread across 13 regional departments in Algeria, including El Bayadh, Tébessa, Béjaïa, Laghouat and Djelfa.


Ovine rinderpest is a highly infectious disease that mainly affects sheep and goats. The disease is spread by close contact between animals. It is an airborne disease, so it can be transmitted by small respiratory droplets released when an infected animal coughs or sneezes. The disease is not dangerous to people.


In 2008, several different cases were identified in Morocco. In August 2012, another small outbreak was reported in Tunisia. This is the first time, however, that this disease has been recorded in Algeria.


On January 3, our Observer Noureddine Ben Cheikh went to the home of a livestock farmer, who had lost part of his flock in the region of El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh, in the steppes in western Algeria.


This livestock farmer has lost 300 sheep since the epidemic started, a loss which totalled 4,500,000 dinars [equivalent to more than €33,000]. He told our Observer that he was angry at the government’s failure to respond to this crisis.


Our Observer Noureddine Ben Cheikh filmed this video. Here is a transcription of what the livestock farmer said: “It’s a catastrophe. We’ve received no support from the government; the authorities are absent. We went to the department of agriculture [in the region, or wilaya, of El Bayadh], but they didn’t help us. I am going to burn the [dead] sheep so that this epidemic doesn’t spread throughout my flock.”


This livestock farmer burned his dead sheep to reduce the risk of the disease spreading (as shown in the video below).


WARNING: This video contains images that some people may find upsetting. It was filmed by our Observer Noureddine Ben Cheikh.


"The epidemic has mostly spread in the Hautes Plaines region”


Our Observer, Noureddine Ben Cheikh, has spoken to many livestock farmers in the affected region.


For the past few months, ovine rinderpest has killed thousands of sheep and the livestock farmers feel as if they have been abandoned to their fate. The epidemic has especially spread in the Hautes Plaines region. I’ve been speaking to several livestock farmers, who say that they haven’t received the vaccinations that are normally delivered by vaccination centres run by the Ministry of Agriculture. Where are these vaccines?

"One vet for 500,000 sheep"


Larbi Tahar, a farmer in the El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh region, was more lucky. For the time being, none of his sheep have succumbed to the disease – he believes this is because he was able to isolate his flock in an enclosure. He says that farmers in his region have not had enough support in dealing with this devastating epidemic.


To keep my sheep from mixing with those belonging to other farmers, I keep them in their own enclosure. I also avoid bringing them to the pastures because I don’t want them to come into contact with other farmers' sheep.

In the region of Chréa, which is about 60 kilometres south of Algiers, a group of livestock farmers blocked a road with the bodies of dead sheep to protest the government’s failure to develop an emergency plan to contain this disease


video of burning sheep carcasses: