Hive mind
Just getting ready to say the same thing.
maybe we'll all come back at the same time.
It's hard to do this for so long.
Salute to you for your hard work Patriot.
Take care
< My captcha - no signs here huh?
Hive mind
Just getting ready to say the same thing.
maybe we'll all come back at the same time.
It's hard to do this for so long.
Salute to you for your hard work Patriot.
Take care
< My captcha - no signs here huh?
I'm going to listen to this while I play Attila!
Got drunk at the Mexican restaurant other day.
I think i told the waiter he looked like Ghengis Khan.
<He was like…..
Imo miss muh faggots
But I needs to lose thse now 23 lbs I've packed on since this shit broke Oct. 2017.
<me and you guys
Not sure yet, we get ultra sound next week to see if it's a boy or a girl.
We're hoping for both.
Yep, because Jack is watching your Twitter.
Probably just yours though.
As if Jack has shit to do with anything on Twitter.
He's got a company out in San Fran. Who the fuck do you think his employees are?
A bunch of San Fran fags.
What do you think will happen with tech being run by a bunch of degenerate fags. Not even the good people kind of fags.
The weird ones. Like 2nd and 3rd generation of weird fags.
That's who is running silicon valley.
Bunch of fags and Chinks with money buying up the housing and farms.