(((their))) only (false) hope is the anti-christ….make no mistake that this plan in full swing…
(((their))) only (false) hope is the anti-christ….make no mistake that this plan in full swing…
To allege that “Jesus was a Jew” in the sense that during His lifetime Jesus professed and practiced the form of religious worship known and practiced under the modern name of “Judaism” is false and fiction of the most blasphemous nature. If to be a so-called or self-styled “Jew” then or
now the practice of “Judaism” was a requirement then Jesus certainly was not a so-called “Jew”.
Jesus abhorred and denounced the form of religious worship practiced in Judea in His lifetime and which is known and practiced today under its new name “Judaism”. That religious belief was then known as “Pharisaism”. The Christian clergy learned that in their theological seminary days but
they have never made any attempt to make that clear to Christians.