You're STILL an idiot.
No ( you ) for you.
>found the mason
what kind of inbred sewage coagulate looks for masons? i would have figured you understood we're looking for criminals.
not angry at all, retarded C_A asshat clown.
Don't namefag, namefag.
"Damn," the shill thought. He hadn't considered that his actions could bring the Federal Marshals to his cubicle to arrest him for being an enemy combatantโฆ
<drop the name, faggot.
>Anons need to stop giving that shill (((you)))'s
Keep in mind that you just typed a {you} into the stream. That makes searching for your own posts more difficult, which is why people hate it.
My first approach to this 33anon asshat did not give him a {you}. Scroll up and check. My second approach did, but was more pointed.
>Nobody says you gotta listen but let's stop telling others how to think okay?
You mean the entire C_A staff that's been trying to pin the criminal behavior on the jews and masons? Yeah, there are a lot of them. They're cancer.
>Filtering is for shutting people like you down so you can no longer spew your shill shit to them.
I'm truly sorry to know that you've filtered me. To everyone else, let's all say a brief prayer for this guy who has decided that plugging your ears is more useful than understanding someone else's point of view. May his genitals blister, fester and rot, stinking of hundreds of dumpsters behind falafel concessions in Amsterdam.
>I gave a you to the anon that responded to the shill
Scroll up and read, Einstein. That was me.
a) think
b) type
Remember the procedure.
True. Happily amended.
KEK : 1/-10/1 : LOL
Kinda surreal to see e-bot posting his inner monologue.
Tres new DJT
LARP or diaperfull?
Nice try, gay-as-fuck faggot.
โฆand horny.