No. Huber was noticeably absent, and for reasons having to do with being unable to comment on ongoing investigations into Fisagate and the CF.
His patrons are trillionaires; he believes himself to be untouchable.
wtf Ben? It's at least $50M
The way he's squealilng, you can bet on it.
They counted on HRC winning, packing the SCOTUS and pardoning them; they're going to go all out to put in a [D] POTUS who can do that. I truly hope they all go down for treason, so that a pardon is ineffective (or state crimes, which a president cannot pardon, but I'm really rooting for treason).
CA did it.
And 500,000 illegal aliens turned back their summons to jury duty claiming they were not citizens.
The summons are issued to people who have driver's licenses.
Did you read where 500,000 illegal aliens were rounded up and deported? Neither did I.
Has there been any secret /ourguy/ for the past two years? Then wtf are yo going on about?
Really, really, really, really hope she's a red herring.
I have only seen one. Name filter rules.
Death to the Old Guard!
Add to that we know, for sure, that this is Soros' bread-and-butter, he and the Rothschilds: fake market panic, real selloffs, crashing markets and currencies. They've been doing it since Napoleon Bonaparte.
I'm holding out for Tim Tym
I categorically refuse to accept the argument that a woman must replace a woman on the SCOTUS.
Yeah, but keep letting then namefag because there's really nothing better than filtering a namefag. It lasts and lasts and lasts!