Freemasonry is still a huge problem. I agree with the anon who spams that shit every thread people need to understand once masons are involved its a sign that they are in fact stewarding discussion. I disagree w/ his copypasta method of delivery. Start from scratch and more importantly he should focus on the knights templar discord connection if he wants to really shake things up and sift for truth
Basically he is not even covering the highest masonic connections w/ 8chan and the trump mania which could be the aformentioned highly mysterious "knights templar discord" that supposedly moved redditors to 8chan to facilitate trump mania as if they needed to when Donald was loved on /pol/ at the time he flooded /pol/ w/ redditors from r/thedonald. what he did was overkill and there may be financial incentives w/ ad revanue aswell to that. Lost screencaps of the templar discord but I am sure info is still out there
There is plenty of pictures you can post instead of copypasta. Don't explain it so it SHOW THE MASONS DOING WHAT THEY DO