How disgusting can they be?
They say nothing about white genocide.
Silence about crimes against whites.
They pass legislation based on hoaxes and blow-uyps, such as lynching and the Holocaust, and the war in bosnia.
But FACTS, actual FACTS about non-whites killing whites is something NO ONE elected will mention instead we suffer this
disgraceful anti-white signalling from Congress.
if your re white, this administration and this Congress have firmly placed a target on your backs.
the only time they EVER mention white is in the context of condemnation of anything THEY do not approve of and they FAIL to call out three years of FAKE hate crimes.
you are as bad as the jews. literally as bad as they are. you couldnt get a hair between you.
fake news? I accuse YOU of peddling fake news and race baiting whites by your acts and omissions.