Has Q gone back to reddit yet
July the month the world learned the truth
11 11 we will all be united again
Whats it like sucking Qs dick anon
When did tucker ever say anyting about weed lmao
I almost die cuz someome hacked my work comp and put some q message on it
Luckily my uncle just thought i was crazy and i still have a job
Q hasnt redpilled anyone
Only ruined lives and made people insane
Media talks about Q
Cough mossad cough
Make me faggot
I willwhen im bored of earth
But for now i got a very large amount of,making fun of Q and weed smoking to do
If you believe this is anything,more than a mossad psyop to eliminate as many threats to the nwo as possible slash fi,d new chewytoys for the overlords you should neck yourself
Tfw you dont think the mossad puts shit on peoples pcs to fuck with them