Some masons are good people..right?
a penny worth of gold is still worth a penny>>4757096
fucking duh! >>4757104
blue white garb of a MKUltra sex slave..why was Putin wearing one?
yea, you might want to check that..many many tests revealed human DNA in fast food>>4757390
you fuck stains arn't worth my time..Ill never use Q to red's like shooting yourself in the foot..just look at the 'christian' comments above
total fucking assholes POTUS hates this board >>4757395
Just stop fucking know what Im talking about >>4757418
mmmm human food for the humans>>4757469
Well it's Fucking Hard Ball in DC. You Kid's are getting a lesson in how things have been run for 50 years
On, it's not fair boo hoo!
So I'll lie about it, knowing spread false information just to Jam people up! That will make it better.
and POTUS visit's this board..bullshit!..fucking hot pocket retards.
Trump wouldn't piss on your know nothing heads if it was on fire!
Murder, family's
Money for nothing
Standard fair
Boo Hoo
grow up retake your country with force..fuck this computer shit