Anonymous ID: c992fa Jan. 14, 2019, 6:23 p.m. No.4758198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8201 >>8223 >>8395

old bread digs..bread #6053

Q asks us to listen to the video/speech that got Trump elected (many times).

techanon stripped out the background music and asked for us to find out who/what it is.

found it!


techanons post:

▶Anonymous 01/13/19 (Sun) 16:11:34 ca6af0 (3) No.4743683>>4743776 >>4743795 >>4743803


File (hide): 70e018b2345dfa0⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, movie.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


[ - ]

Listen carefully. - Q


This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected


Audio Clip Start Pos: At about 2:45 into the YouTube Video


Audio Clip Duration: 2 minute 49 second


I posted this modified audio clip last night but nobody knows the name of the background music.


No audio effects or enhancements done. The quality is filled with artifacts and lacks base because of how the canceling of the Left and Right channels for the speech was done, but it provides enough music information to find out the name of this song. The method to filter out the speech was to separate the stereo track and invert one channel, then make both channels mono. From here, the clip was made.


this is this guy Greg Taylor (pic related)

New Dawn

I'm Still Alive.

check out his youtube page as well (everything a year ago and more music after this one).



what other music is embedded in Trump speeches?

Who is Still Alive?