>>4758554 lb
You're playing the political game, anon.
Cortez is under assault by the dems because she ousted their Means committee chair. She took down a heavily entrenched democrat they felt was untouchable. They sent a representative to debate her in the primary. Like it or not - she represents the voices of many in New York who were disenfranchised from the entire system.
Then she was threatened by McCaskill.
She is at war with the democrat mafia. They are trying to break her into becoming one of the mafia. "The party can protect you."
That is why they have been attacking her intelligence, spreading rumors about a porn video, etc.
I refuse to join in with this, and instead will continue to speak out against it. I do not see Cortez as a threat. She is not wrong in her points regarding economics. She may have a different idea about what solves the problem - but the only thing my generation has ever been taught is socialism. I do not blame her for taking hold of it and then outlining a plan that works in the math (for now). I think we all know it is kicking the can down the road rather than gently pawing at it, but she's not at all deceptive about how she handles herself. More importantly, I think that she would be open to considering the impacts of a gold standard and a cleaning of the house in terms of monopolies and anticompetitive practices.
I could be wrong - but, frankly, I don't see her as the enemy. She may not be "in my camp" - but that doesn't mean I need to join in attacking her, and I certainly oppose expending ammo on bait. Cortez has been narced by the dems to bait conservatives into attacking her and assist them in leveraging her into the party.
Her refusal to join the mafia says a lot. I am not going to go with the gaslight of "that is what they are building her to be" - sure, and maybe we're already under mind control. At some point, you have to roll with the picture in front of you. I would rather risk Cortez being a head-fake by the dems than obviously do their bidding. They expect us to strike at the low hanging fruit and to follow beastial impulses.
That, and I'll admit that she's pretty. As a single guy in that agegroup - I'll admit to being simple in that way. If it was some random guy (like the Missouri Senator who deposed McCaskill), I wouldn't be nearly as concerned.
Lots of flack in the air.