"In The Face of Pure Evil, JFK Jr Returns From Exile and Surprise Stomps Dagger Into Heart of Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate"
"JFK Jr, The Greatest Underdog/Hero's Journey Story Of All Time"
"URANIUM ONE: THEFT of America's Precious Metals Deposits"
"A Beauty by Anna Von Reitz - One Of The Greatest Educational Writings Ever Written About Fraud, Deceit, Treachery, and Outright Fraud That Is the, "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. FEDERAL (federal=contract) CORPORATION Which is Wholly Foreign Owned and Foreign Domiciled Outside of America and Is Outright Owned By The Federal Reserve, the IMF and the United Nations Corporation - All of them, CORPORATIONS, FOREIGN IN NATURE, CRIMINAL BY TRADE, AND HAVING PRIVATE OWNERS, aka = THE INTERLOCKING CRIME SYNDICATES OF PLANET EARTH"
The Right To Peaceful Assembly, as guaranteed by the First Amendment to your Bill of Rights, is the right to form Jural Assemblies, Follow in the Footsteps of Our American Forefathers, void the So-Called Contract with the de facto Corporation, "United States Inc," as "When the de jure jury rises, the de facto jury must sit."
de jure = "of one's right," to self govern
de facto = "illegitimate, but in effect" = "United States Inc," a totally foreign owned, totally foreign domiciled for profit corporation, domiciled under the parent corporation, United Nations Inc,
= "One Ring To Rule Them All, And In The Darkness Bind Them"