Anonymous ID: ddcb2d Feb. 23, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.476521   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't know if it fits here, some thoughts on a post some bread ago:


From my understanding it is not about money or celebrity status. The ones having planned the game for a long time are not the ones in the spotlight, nor do they care about our understanding of money.

Their plan, as outlined in "behold a pale horse", "elders of zion protocols" etc. show mathematically designed processes to keep us controlled, distracted, as sheep, slaves, uneducated at the level of a twelve year old, managed and nurtured like farm animals, entangled in a system with a near zero chance to understand and escape, while at the same time we worship parts of that control system as the true freedom.


Our lack of knowledge about

-nature itself

-the capabilities of our mind

-the history of the planet


-the puppeteer families and their cold, rational steering of the assets of the world (economy, politics, people…)

keeps us asleep even if we try to put matches between our eyelids and slap each other in the face constantly.

And this is probably just the tip.


What bugs me, is the fact that some of their points are not even complete nonsense, when viewed from an unemotional, rational, mathematical, zoomed-out, selfish (in regards of family) and timeless point of view. I remember some of these thoughts from my own thinking about societies, future, perspectives, individuality, evolution, universe and so on. You may read Nietzsche. Emotions are not the way to go, if you do/want to control a planet with humans and their nature. It is obvious that total freedom leads to anarchy and all consequences the human nature shows when it is about surviving, threats to the own blood etc. This nature needs to be controlled / led. And they mastered this "leading" in the last centuries to an unimaginable excellence focussed on the wellbeing and evolving of their own. Since computer simulations evolve and data is collected/thrown at them, their planning and predicting (see "shock testing", "deep dream") of the future and human behaviour evolved too.


I don't think they hate us, it is more like a relation to cows on a farm. They use us for their good, keep us comfortable at low cost, and can also kill us, if they want / need to without emotional affection.

Or we are like little retarded children to them, they teach us crap so we can't ask the right questions and our view of our "self" is distorted. Even if they gave us the key to their kingdom we wouldn't know what to do with it or how to use it. And probably put it in our mouth.


Every day i have the ending of "Matrix" in my head, as it gets obvious that Neo's presence and actions in the matrix-program was not a glitch or a godly chosen act to free mankind but also part of the huge meta-program keeping everything in its place by controlling the "noise" (awake people) in an self-repeating timeless cycle of control and harvesting by a cold calculating network / consciousness. There is no good or bad as we see it.

I have the nightmare that Q may be our Neo, viewed as the redeemer but in reality a construction to scan/control the noise. I hope from the deepest of my heart that is not the case.


If the picture is really as big as i imagine, then Q and Team+ can not put everything on the table now, as this, and we, are just the beginning of a process of education. i don't read any too spiritual meaning in all this "awakening" stuff as it is more like a shift from reading books with pictures to actually reading sentences an paragraphs.

I love the thought that there is an organization that formed some decades ago in the military/political underground that decided "No More". But abolishing one system leaves a big blank spot that needs to be organized. And getting rid of a worldwide operating system (cabal) needs serious planning without leaving a world in chaos.

So i think not everything will be revealed in the next 10-20(?) years as we as mankind as a whole are not capable of adjusting our worldview. And even if half of the population of the world is informed and reflective, it end probably in fighting against the other half… and we have nations and religions and so on… damn this is so complicated.

By following any serious matter in public discussion, especially twitter/fb, i sometimes doubt about the abilities in some people to accept objective facts. Their concept of reality and themselves is so far off that one must spend half of one's live to set their heads straight again.


BUT, I found a little bit of hope. In reality. Not in books or movies or phantasy.

Right here.

Drops motivating the Anons of the world to educate themselves.

Something is happening here and I hope for the future of man that this is a worthy opponent; or better: that WE become worthy opponents to the ones leaving us in the dark and using us!


Greetings from Europe fellow humans.