Bolsonaro speech with English subtitles: welfare, indoctrination, pedophilia
Transcript of Bolsonaro speech
What is their [the left's] objective in doing this [exposing kids to early sexual discussions]?
Their goal is that your children that study in public schools - sorry to say this because when I was young, public schools used to be decent… now only the poor put their kids there because they don't have any other choice - learn about nothing so that in the future they are entirely dependent on the government for everything.
Now, I say to you [beneficiaries of social welfare], what's more important to you? I know social welfare is important to many of you, but is social welfare more important than your kids' dignity? Your kids' honor?
And I'll say more, The Workers' Party, through their website (Humaniza Redes), they say clearly that Pedophilia is not a crime, and that the pedophile can only be judged after an export does a "detailed report," because if the pedophile has some kind of "mental disorder," according to Rousseff's website which is linked to the human rights secretary, that had Mrs. Maria de Rosario as its Chief, he's only considered a pedophile if he doesn't suffer from any mental disorder… or if the pedophilia was practiced for no commercial purposes.
This is what they [The Workers' Party] want for kids since the age of six.
What are they doing all throughout Brazil?
Approximately 100,000 public schools are being used for political propaganda for The Workers' Party.
Like Professor [Marco Antonio] Villa has been saying: "The Department of Education (MEC) cannot be used as Propaganda for a political party."
Besides defending the dignity of our children, we are taking care of our own future… no wonder I'm wearing this short of Japan.
In Japan, kids of 6/7 years can solve math problems our college students can't, because here in Brazil, it's more important to teach a boy that he's not a boy and a girl that she's not a girl (like they did in the National High School Exam) than to teach them something that will allow them to free themselves from social welfare, poverty, and misery.