Dramatic presentation would help
Maybe list available dramatic redpills existing right now
Or book lists
But framing in the Q move eny thus far? That's a masterpiece endeavor
Dramatic presentation would help
Maybe list available dramatic redpills existing right now
Or book lists
But framing in the Q move eny thus far? That's a masterpiece endeavor
When the half Moon is laying on it's side over the cold cold night covered earth…..
It's always so comfy to see 8chan on fire and anons kicking ass
Holy F
Just tooling through aquisitioned memes
Posting because these babies scream like banshees bringing righteous vengeance when they pass over head….. glorious
Just occurred to me
These fucwitz are doing gold leading like it's magical
But it's a metal element from the dirt, and in the scriptures when it gets super weird, the creator of the universe(s) basically shows a dude related by blood to the Messiah that gold, for all the intents and worship of humans, is used in the Heavenly kingdom as
A substance which is such a useful but basic TOOL is used for the pleasure and glorification of the soles of our feet
How does this tie in with the cretins doing a shameful job of leafing human flesh (because any guilder worth an apprenticeship salt would vomit at the tradgic work done by marina she should be flayed solely for her damaged and botched attempt to be superior …. a total joke in the realm of true art that isn't funny at all)
But such is the run on conscious…..
Evil makes so much effort to be better than TRUTH
Such a waste
I've been hatefaggin this dude and now I'm so close to feelin' so……
No NVM never regret calling this spineless eel out for all of the slime he's shit on the american people
NO mercy for THIS one
He wasn't arkancided