>>4760084 (lb)
They know. Smithsonian and Vatican have the info.
>>4760084 (lb)
They know. Smithsonian and Vatican have the info.
The fuck!?
Kek! Fucking awesome.. sick fucks!
I mean what else can it be other than lucifarian?
More my speed
Owning a โpot farmโ. Straightfag doesnt make you a bad person. Stupid fuck.
Yeah.. it isnt benny the friendly golden goat..
You and your other computer (JOO) are both stupid as fuck. Seriously. Take Pepeโs advice.
Skin of god newfag
Anon gets it. Saturn.
Damn do it memfag!!๐๐๐๐บ๐ธ๐บ๐ธ๐บ๐ธ
Pepe loves your liddle misspelled heart
Podestas hand, the 14 and the fish was hommage to the Nommo or Osirus. Osirusโs wife? Her name? ISIS.
Get to digging and watching jootube.
If this is true.. it makes no sense. Why would he proudly display it? Cause some obscure Titanic refrence from a past family member?
Yeah.. i dont think so.
You are still trying to convince people the pics are chopped? Seriously? I pissed, went and ate, brought dog in and laid down.. you are still trying?!?
Im calling it early. Fucking retards.
Good lord.