Still think they really have the house?
If so, how long before The Congressional Swamp gets cleaned of Traitorous and Seditious members leaving Patriots in full control of both the Senate & The House?
Seem like maybe it’s coming soon?
Still think they really have the house?
If so, how long before The Congressional Swamp gets cleaned of Traitorous and Seditious members leaving Patriots in full control of both the Senate & The House?
Seem like maybe it’s coming soon?
cock sucker
I see you faggot and raise you a check mark.
try harder
If the Queen shows up in Canada can the Maplefags in-fact arrest her.
Not will they, but can they?
Guy is bat-shit crazy.
I used to listen to him until he went completely off the farm.
He’s all over the map like he’s smoking crack or something ffs.
Biden, “God save the Queen”.
Heard him say that after dropping the gavel and I just shook my head.
The Queen has/had more power and influence over all this evil shit than most people are even willing to consider.
When the total truth is out……whew.
But then again, “the choice to know will be yours”.
Wait till Cascadia cracks.
At the same time half a mountain will fall into the Eastern Atlantic causing massive wave destruction on both coasts.
Sound about right? It would not surprise me for one second.
Is the clockfag stuff bs?
Beanz, yeah no.
I watched her in 2017 a bit.
Now? Not a fkn chance.
She twists shit and mixes lies with truth.
Screw the Pay-triots!
Yeah, fuck you and your midget brother.
Are you stupid?
“a time will come where they won’t be able to walk down the street”.
Pushing is a bad idea idiot.
don’t yell that too loud, they’ll think they bitches got shot.
close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
will you clock FAGS ever get one right?
need some yeast?
you own a fit bit?
can’t trim what ya can’t reach