Anonymous ID: 2049c5 Jan. 15, 2019, 7:49 a.m. No.4763907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3939 >>3956


I'm gonna have to agree with the statement that converts don't last. At least historically speaking. It would be far better if they all relocated to Israel, at least hypothetically. But it won't happen. Jews are historically parasitic, and they are all but allergic to manual labor. Their laws prevent them from preying on one another, so they have to find a complacent host. Muslims outright ban things like usury so they do not make good hosts. Christians are more easily duped, especially if they have been indoctrinated, so they have historically been the biggest victims of jewry.


In nearly every instance of jews being expelled or sanctioned throughout history, the precipitating events came about because jews could not contain their own greed and lust for power and exposed themselves. They sulk away into the shadows and reemerge a generation or two later somewhere else and begin the process again.


Bottom line, there will always be jews who prey upon goyim, so long as jews are allowed to coexist amongst them.