Anonymous ID: b0485c Jan. 15, 2019, 7:53 a.m. No.4763952   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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Chronic opiate takers will suffer from the withdrawal of opiates for which the side effects are extreme pain. This happens to addicts as well… why? Because the body pain receptors are triggered by the opiates and once the addict has fully withdrawn it takes about a year or more for the pain to dissipate. Opiates cause pain to be felt worse than it is because it makes your brain feel the pain as worse. As a person who has has 4 members in my family addicted to opiates they all have finally gotten free from the addiction and only one actually used it fo pain management but she was very addicted. She is the one who said after a year and a half of completely being free from the meds that her chronic pain went away. There are other treatments but the chronic pain sufferers are really just addicted and they don’t want to go through those withdrawals and some do commit suicide but not that many. Not nearly as many as who die from overdose and this is just a sneaky ploy to keep the flow of opiates in the USA as far as I’m concerned. This smells of another soros type campaign.


And for the poster to say the drug deaths are hyped!?!? My son lost 6 friends from opiate overdose in ONE YEAR and we live in a fairly affluent neighborhood. He was addicted also, but he got help finally after 10 years of addiction and has been clean 5. He also suffered from chronic pain AFTER becoming an addict because the opiates fuck up the pain receptors in your brain. He never had chronic pain until after his addiction. Opiates CAUSE it. Chronic pain sufferers will have to withdraw and once they do… about 70% will have less pain, but it is a long process, and I strongly feel this is a bullshit campaign meant to keep bad drs and addicts supplied with the addictive drugs. I’m Doing some research the campaign now.


Opiates have been a very destructive drug in this country and it’s number one most destructive up there with crack, coke and meth

And we can get started on the prescribed medication in the antidepressant world, another highly abused and over prescribed set of drugs.