In my previous life as an NPC (1998) Social Security called me and informed me that 39 of my agricultural and Landscape employees Social Security Numbers did NOT match with the names given. (all Hispanic) My heart stopped dead in it's track.
I paused for it seemed like 5 minutes and asked "What should I do?"
The IRS agent specifically said "You can not, not hire them"
A double negative
In about 1967-1968 the agriculture industry moved from relying on Migrant workers, sometimes called Hobo's. (No Homo), I loved these people. Some were families but mostly single men. They would ride the rails and travel from state to state to tend to different crops at certain times of year. Believe it or not, these people were pretty happy. I would spend hours with them talking about the life ventures they were on. They would work together to help each another out if one was unable to work or needed gas money to get on their way.