In an earlier thread this morning, there was discussion if HRC knew about earthquake in Haiti before it happen based on an email from Wiki. I think there is real merit to that statement. When I was investigating Laura Silsby (after Wiki dump) I noted that Laura Silsby had worked at Hewlitt Packard for a number of years and then she she opened a website business called Personal Shopper. In April 2005 she open this online company stating it had 5000 shoppers and by Christmas of the same year she had 1 million shoppers coming to her site. She was named Business Woman of the Year in Idaho. Sounds, like Alefantis with Top 50 Important People in DC. Anyway, for some reason that all collapses because in November of 2009 she starts this New Children’s Life Refuge Center in Haiti and Dominican Republic. Now take notice this is a woman that worked at HP and Personal Shopper and suddenly she is an expert on orphanages and saving children.
My opinion is HRC knew about this earthquake before it happened and had her good friend Laura (somewhere I read they had been buddies since 2001) was to set up this orphanage out of the blue down in Haiti in Nov 2009 and the earthquake happens in January 2010. What luck, two months later and she has all the kids she needs to rescue. It stinks and I think that Personal Shopper might have been about shopping for minors rather than what normies would think. Read the page that was to be her new child saving biz. She even speaks of educating them and planting veggie gardens! Where did all this experience come from?