So true.
>If it was happening as it was supposed to, we wouldn't get ''as''anxious.
The normie invasion was supposed to happen here big-picture, but the stresses it puts on us aren't in themselves good, they feel like shouldn't be happening.
Analogous to a new babby in the house.
The constant crying and 24-7 demands for attention that prevent sleep and normal function create massive strains on everyone's body and mind. Growing pains all around.
Wammins have oxytocin that actually provides an opioid type feeling of euphoria/calm at baby cries, in addition to the adreno/cortisol type fight-or-flight hormones that come with animal calls or aggression or distress.
Men don't have the oxytocin, only have the logical function to reason thru why the crying and uncomfy reactions are worth it in the long run.
Autists are high in logic, low in feely feels.
The normie influx has been hard on us.
But we held on, things will keep getting better.