Lool trust that plan goyim
Potus appointing clown after clown
Q lied about literally everything
Lool trust that plan goyim
Potus appointing clown after clown
Q lied about literally everything
The democrats are literally on paid vacation during a govt shutdown and the sheep are completely cool with this
At some point you have to ask
Is someone who is that stupid really a human ?
Suprising to nobody
Trolling is fun when the world is in flames
Reminder that Q shouldnt be paid any attention or trusted
That second image is the truth
Dont let Q make you waste your time
Give the mossad nothing
Fuck Q
Thats their own responsiblity
All you really need to know is that the world is run by the mafia
And they operate using millitary secret societies cops etc
Idk why nutjobs running the world is a conspiracy theory these days
If Q is real were live bait for the spooks or worse
Q doesnt give a shit about any of us we are expendable
More likely tho is that Q is run by blackhats and this is a fun way to torture and target people who are aware and also fun chew toys
That ear ringing youve all been getting ?
Hmm Q has you wasting time doing random bullshit instead of actually making a difference protesting or organizing
Nobody digsinto pizzagate anymore
Now who would want that
Because hes a clown and will do what the swamp wants
Projection shill
Q is a psyop or the millitary
Both or which are the same fucking shit
You can trust the bible all you want
Can i dream you going back to reddit