Anonymous ID: 784a20 Jan. 15, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.4765745   🗄️.is 🔗kun


just look at em all…

Anonymous ID: 784a20 Jan. 15, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.4766005   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It was through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that the private banking cartel known as the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK came into being. It is through this scheme, with the government controlling the banks and credit for the benefit of the secret shareholders, that the effect of this objective of the communists came into being in the United States. The super rich bankers, while they liked the controls envisioned by Karl Marx, decided that all the usury and profits should go into THEIR pockets instead of the federal coffers. It is this small bank of International Bankers who decide how much interest you are going to pay on your home mortgage and they have the monopoly power to force other banks to charge the same rates. Individual credit can be given or withheld at

the whim of these bankers. The private FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM is neither “federal” nor does it have any “reserves” as commonly thought. The local Federal Reserve Bank is not listed under agencies of the Federal Government in your phone book, but listed in the white pages as any other private business.


The FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, which you carry in your pocket, though printed by the federal government for those private banker’s use, and identified as “legal tender”, are in fact privately circulated bank notes. As “notes” they do not certify that the U.S. Treasury has gold or silver to

“back them” but state on their face that the U.S. Government is in debt to that amount. You are not paying your bills with certificates of wealth, but with evidences of federal debt. You are passing the U.S. debt to the bankers around among yourselves as if it was lawful money. The private Federal

Reserve makes huge profits for its member banks, and yet it pays no federal or state income taxes, and they have never been audited by any government agency. A couple of years ago, Senator Metcalf of Washington State launched a campaign against the FEDERAL RESERVE and had it put on the ballot to restore the right to create money to the Congress as specified in the Constitution.The people in Washington State were so ignorant or communist-minded that they actually voted it down! HOW WILL YOU KNOW…?


In 1933, when so many banks lost their shirts and had to repay their depositors or close their doors, the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT was changed to incorporate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (Hatonn: Note “Corporation” which designates private.) Here is how that works, and we can see it with the current Savings and Loan scandals. In good times, the bankers make huge profits. However, in bad times, the American taxpayers are called upon to bail out the bankers, letting them retain their personal assets. How will you know when “communism takes over”? Most people are so accustomed to the yoke of communism, thrust upon them in the name of

“democracy” and “social security”, that they believe that these things must be the form of government our Forefathers gave us. They think it is normal to have total taxes in amounts to 50% of income. Where is their Great Republic based upon the Common Law and the Constitution? For all practical purposes, it no longer exists.

Anonymous ID: 784a20 Jan. 15, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.4766082   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  1. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 takes over all communications media.

  2. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 takes over all electric power, petroleum, gas, fuel and minerals.

  3. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 takes over all food resources and farms.

  4. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 takes over all means of transportation, controls highways and seaports.

  5. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 drafts all citizens into work forces under the governmental supervision.

  6. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 takes over all health, welfare and educational functions.

  7. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 empowers the Postmaster General to register all citizens nationwide.

  8. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 takes over all airports and aircraft.

  9. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 takes over housing and finance authorities and housing designated as “unsafe”. Establishes new locations for populations, relocates communities, builds new housing with public funds.

10.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 takes over all railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.

11.EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 designates responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning giving authorization to put the above orders into effect in times of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis.


Then comes the big one: Under EXECUTIVE ORDER 11490 all of the above orders are immediately activated. John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University in 1963, said it perfectly: “The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America’s freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of their plight.” Ten days later, John F. Kennedy was assassinated! THINK ABOUT IT AMERICA!!