Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:02 a.m. No.4765588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5666

BBC Pushing this shit AGAIN


“This is Islam”: BBC interviews Muslim cleric who claims he has the right to marry a 9-year-old girl


At least 25% of all girls in Niger are married by the age of 15 – and 76% by the age of 18. It is the highest rate of child marriage in the world.

Under Islamic Law (Sharia) girls can marry at any age, as long as they are “mature enough”.

In Muslim countries like Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan and Sudan girls are considered “adults” and being sold into forced marriages with grown men by their families. There are even some cases of child marriages in Western countries since immigrants brought this tradition into the West.


Look at this BBC interview. It is from 2014, but nothing has changed since then.


The term “Islamophobia” was created by the Muslim Brotherhood to silence any possible debate about the problems Islamism has got with modernity.

The left uses it to portray anyone who criticises Islam as a “racist”. They ignore the fact that Islam is an ideology that has nothing to do with race.

There even is an attempt in the West to impose a sharia-blasphemy law to criminalise criticism of Islam. It started when Saudi Arabia and Muslim countries tried to pass a UN resolution to force Western states to criminalise criticism of Islam.

The Parliament in Canada passed “Motion M-103” to condemn the so-called “Islamophobia” (fear of Islam) in a preparation for a blasphemy law in Canada.

According to the sharia blasphemy law anyone who criticises Islam or the Prophet Muhammad should be killed. In Saudi Arabia and Iran Muslims are executed if they are accused of blasphemy. In Pakistan, where the situation is even worse, radical Muslims use the blasphemy law to persecute the Christian minority.

Is this the law the left wants to adopt?

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:03 a.m. No.4765606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook Pays $300 Million in Protection Money to Gangster Media


Facebook announced Tuesday it has made a commitment to contribute $300 million to “news programs, partnerships, and content.”


This payoff will roll out over three years. While Facebook has not yet said where all the money will go, the Pulitzer Center and local news outlets are the prime beneficiaries of what has been allocated.


“The money will go toward reporting grants for local newsrooms, expanding Facebook’s program to help local newsrooms with subscription business models and investing in nonprofits aimed at supporting local news,” reports the Associated Press.


What the AP is not reporting, though, is how this came about, which I will boil down into a way everyone can understand:


Media: Hey, Mark Zuckerberg, that’s a nice business you got there. Be a shame if anything were to happen to it.


Mark Zuckerberg: Would $300 million buy me some protection?


Media: Sure … for starters.


CNN’s Brian Stelter, a far-left conspiracy theorist who supports terrorism and blacklists against the political right, has, in so many words, already told Facebook this $300 is nowhere near enough, that this had better be just a taste; and of course Facebook is already paying CNN to –wink, wink– “produce special video programming”:


Facebook posted a profit of $5.13 billion in its most recent quarter. When asked about the perception that the company is giving away crumbs to make up for damage done to the news business, [a Facebook spokesperson] made the point that “we’re not going to un-invent the internet.”



Facebook also pays a number of major news outlets, including CNN, to produce special video programming for the Facebook Watch section of its platform.


Brown said the seed funding for Watch will continue. Last month, The Information reported that the programming strategy was being “refined,” so some news outlets would see declines in funding while other outlets received subsidies for the first time.


The media were never very happy with Facebook sucking up the ad revenue, but the jihad against the social media giant did not launch until after the 2016 presidential election.


All of this began with the election of President Trump.


All of it.


While Facebook certainly deserves criticism and scrutiny over privacy issues, the media are only using those issues as a cudgel, as an addition weapon to bully Zuckerberg with. What the media really want is for Facebook to ensure things like the 2016 election never happen again.


This is why fake news outlets like CNN are putting so much pressure on social media companies to blacklist conservative voices and ideas. The media are desperate to put a stop to anything that allows the American public to talk amongst ourselves, to share ideas and information outside the media’s left-wing filter and spin machine.


That is what this terror campaign against Facebook is really about, and over the last two years we have seen the result: Facebook caving to the threats with the systematic snuffing out of right-of-center voices.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.4765621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5697 >>5913 >>6226 >>6328

House bill removes liability protection from tech giants, forcing social media to pay for political discrimination


Without question, the Leftist social media behemoths have been working in concert to remove or downgrade conservatives from their platforms in the hope of dominating the political landscape, but a new bill, if passed, would make it much harder for them to continue their censorship.


Last week, GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas introduced legislation aimed at removing current liability protections from Big Tech while forcing them to pay a price — literally — for their bias.


“It is time for social media companies to be liable for any biased and unethical impropriety of their employees as any other media company,” Gohmert noted in a statement. “If these companies want to continue to act like a biased medium and publish their own agendas to the detriment of others, they need to be held accountable.”


The Texas Republican’s bill, H.R.7363, amends Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 to prevent the social media platforms from hindering “the display of user-generated content” by censorship or other means. If platforms are found to be hiding or downgrading certain content, they could be held legally and financially liable.


Studies have found that conservative content especially has been purposely hidden or otherwise banned from news feeds and other displays on sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google. As reported by The Gateway Pundit, one site — The Western Journal, a conservative site — has lost some 75 percent of its Facebook traffic since 2016. Another site, 100PercentFedUp, owned by Klicked Media, has lost similar amounts of traffic from social media, especially Facebook.


“We lost 70 percent to 80 percent of our traffic if you compare January to May 2017 vs Jan to May 2018,” said Klicked Media owner Jared Vallorani, in an interview with The Gateway Pundit.


Also, several notable conservative figures and websites have been banned completely from these platforms, though Left-leaning sites and figures have not, despite committing violations of the platforms’ community standards.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.4765636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5819 >>5826 >>6019

Bill Gates’ Former Doctor Says Billionaire ‘Refused to Vaccinate His Children’


No surprises here. A good while back Dr Oz featured in a similar vein. He didn’t vaccinate his kids. If vaccines were so good why aren’t they vaccinating? People should be joining dots. I learned a few years back that back in the 1970s, 80s one of our local small town NZ GPs didn’t vaccinate his kids either. One of those who actually read the inserts I suspect. Read this article for a Doctor & nurse who didn’t read them & got quite a shock when their pregnant patient referred them to one (having declined vaccination). This article is from via


The physician who served as Bill Gates’ private doctor in Seattle in the 1990s says the Microsoft founder and vaccine proponent “refused to vaccinate his own children” when they were young.


7 Feb 2018 – “I don’t know if he had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children,” the physician said at a behind closed doors medical symposium in Seattle, adding “They were gorgeous kids, really smart and vivacious, and he said they would be OK as it was, they didn’t need any shots.”


The comments caused a stir among physicians at the symposium with claims he was breaking doctor-patient confidentiality, according to reports. However as he was speaking to other physicians, he was not breaking the industry code of conduct.


Gates has three children with his wife Melinda – Jennifer, Rory and Phoebe – born between 1996 and 2002, and according to his former doctor, they are all unvaccinated and healthy.


The news that Bill Gates does not vaccinate his own children, despite being the world’s most active campaigner for mandatory vaccinations, should come as no surprise. Studies prove that the elite do not vaccinate their children. But at the same time they expect the masses to have their children vaccinated.


The elite do not vaccinate


In California, the children most likely to be unvaccinated are white and come from the wealthiest families in Los Angeles, according to a recent study.


The percentage of kindergartners with state-issued personal belief exemptions doubled from 2007 to 2013, from 1.54% to 3.06%. That’s about 17,000 of the wealthiest children, out of more than half a million, opting out of receiving vaccinations.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.4765644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5873 >>6268

“Der Spiegel” associates US Ambassador in Germany with Neo-Nazis


The German magazine “Der Spiegel” launched an unprecedented attack on the chief representative of the United States, Ambassador Richard Grenell, associating him with Neo-Nazis.


In the wake of the scandal surrounding Fake News reporting by “Der Spiegel”, the US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell charged Germany’s leading newsweekly with anti-American bias and requested an independent inquiry into the magazine’s editorial practices in December.


Instead of an apology and self-critical introspection, the “Spiegel” has now launched an unprecedented attack on the chief representative of the United States, the nation that has guaranteed Germany’s security and defense for 70 years.


Petr Bystron, the AfD spokesman on the foreign policy committee of the German Bundestag, commented: “Richard Grenell is a cancer survivor, the first openly gay US Ambassador, and the intellectual thought leader of the current US administration in Europe, who actively speaks out for citizens, for a strong German-American partnership, for the values of Western democracy, for Israel and against Iranian terror. If such a remarkable personality were left-wing, “Der Spiegel” and the entire German media would be fawning over him like a rock star.”


“However, since he unfortunately has a different opinion than these supposedly neutral, objective journalists, they instead have to attack him with barely concealed hatred and unprofessional vitriol. “Der Spiegel” should really be doing its utmost to restore its tarnished reputation internationally, but instead seems to be doing everything it can to undermine the last vestiges of its journalistic integrity by associating the US Ambassador with Neo-Nazis, of all things.”


“With this kind of obviously biased reporting, it’s no wonder “Der Spiegel” had to announce in October it would no longer be releasing its plummeting circulation numbers anymore. When the quarterly circulation figures are released, we’ll see how the Spiegelgate scandal has affected their already-falling sales. I’m afraid it won’t be good news for “Der Spiegel”. Readers are simply sick of all this fake news and hateful, manipulative reporting.“

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.4765664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Trump Thwarted Calculated Israeli Effort to Keep U.S. in Syria


They worked hard only to have their plans scuttled. But don't expect them to stop the pressure.


The Pentagon was not the only party pressing Donald Trump to keep troops in Syria last year. It turns out the Israeli government and its supporters in Washington were working very hard to get the Trump administration to use America’s military presence there to support an Israeli campaign of airstrikes aimed at threatening war with Iran.


The Israeli strategy was aimed at dividing Russia from Iran and thus putting pressure on Tehran to withdraw its military personnel from Syria. A campaign by a pro-Israel think tank actually succeeded in getting such a policy ready for Trump’s approval last fall—although it was not supported by some Pentagon officials.


The story of the Israel lobby’s latest attempt to capture American policy, recounted here for the first time, reveals just how far Israel was able to reach into the Trump administration before the president personally intervened.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.4765690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5700 >>5734 >>5782 >>5830

'So what you're saying is that I don't have freedom of speech?' Woman berates Secret Service agents who turn up at her home after she posted online 'can someone shoot the fool between the eyes' about President Trump


A video of a Secret Service agent arriving at a woman's door hours after she made a fiery comment about Donald Trump on Facebook has emerged.

The clip, filmed in San Antonio, Texas, US, shows an agent and a police officer standing on a woman's doorstep as they try to question her on January 10.

Throughout the video, the shocked woman argues about her right to freedom of speech and repeatedly asks if she has committed a crime.

She asks them: 'You're with the secret service you said?'


The two men, who are plain-clothed, appear to hesitate before nodding in response. During the conversation, the woman's nephew who is filming behind her, asks what is going on.

She replies: 'I made comments online so the secret service came to my door with a SAPD that works with them'.

Rifling through paper on his clip board, the Secret Service agent tries to ask for her personal details. He says: 'I'm just going to ask you some questions – what's your date of birth?'

The woman tells the agent that it is 'none of his concern' and goes on to ask if she is being arrested.

She says: 'Is this mandatory? Do I need to speak to you? Am I under arrest and I being charged with anything?'

The agent and police officer appear to hesitate again before saying no. The agent says: 'I'm here to ask about the statements you made online'.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.4765701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5792 >>5827

55 Men Arrested over Alleged Child Sex Abuse in Yorkshire, England


West Yorkshire Police have arrested 55 men in connection with alleged child sexual abuse.


The arrests began in November 2018, with the suspects identified as hailing from Dewsbury, Batley, and Bradford by a BBC report.


The alleged abuse involves seven women said to have been targeted as children in the Kirklees area between 2002 and 2009.


“This investigation demonstrates the force’s ongoing commitment to the investigation of both current and non-recent sexual offences against children,” commented Detective Inspector Ian Thornes.


“Child sexual abuse and exploitation is an abhorrent and heinous crime and one which affects some of the most vulnerable people in our society.”


The Detective Inspector issued a broad appeal for other victims, whether their abuse was historical or more recent, to “Please be assured that you will be listened to, taken seriously, and supported by professionals with experience of dealing with these kind of offences.”


The 55 arrested men have all been interviewed and released under investigation.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.4765733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Warning Neocons Joining Democrats to Support War


I have previously written that all wars have been started by the Democrats with the single exception of the Iraq War under Dick Cheney and the Neocons. Now after Trump has pulled out of Syria, the Neocons are meeting with the Democrats to retake the White House and restore the effort to bring World War III to the Middle East. This is by no means something I care to have to write about. But there is a very dark cloud rising and all the people who hate Trump so much are clueless that he is actually trying to prevent these people from creating war. The hatred they are spreading about Russia is a deliberate attempt to paint them as evil to gain support for a war.


One of the leading Neocons is Bill Kristol. I have previously written that back in 1976, Bill Kristol worked for Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s United States Senate campaign. Later, in 1988, Kristol was the campaign manager for black Republican Alan Keyes’s unsuccessful Maryland Senatorial campaign against Paul Sarbanes. So Kristol was on both sides of the aisle.


It was the Neocon Kristol wrote the War Over Iraq: Saddam’s Tyranny And America’s Mission with his co-author Lawrence F. Kaplan, which was published on February 1st, 2003, one month and change BEFORE the invasion to support Cheney. Today, Kristol is very much anti-Trump. He is a true Neocon and wants to see conservatives challenge Trump for the 2020 nomination. He argues that the conservatives/Neocons need to seize control to reestablish the economic, national security and his brand of moral principles to take over the Republican Party. Kristol argues that Trump’s support among the rank and file will diminish over time and they are really too stupid to know what is best for the country.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.4765757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5787 >>5788 >>5806 >>5905 >>5913 >>5927 >>6043 >>6067 >>6226 >>6328

Striking Los Angeles Teachers Bully, Threaten Substitutes Crossing Picket Line – Post Names of Subs


More than 30,000 Los Angeles public school teachers walked out of classrooms and joined the picket line as contract negotiations stalled on Monday.


The Los Angeles teachers union is complaining about the 40+ students per classroom. The teachers are demanding smaller classrooms and higher salaries.


The Commie Lib teachers aren’t happy they have to teach millions of illegal alien children for free in LA’s sanctuary utopia so they’re demanding more money. Figures.


In the meantime, hundreds of substitute teachers were hired so the schools could remain open and children can continue learning.


The LA teachers who are on strike are now bullying and threatening substitute teachers who dare defy the union and cross the picket line.


One woman identified as Deana Cambell, posted the names of a few of the substitute teachers on Twitter with a caption, “These subs crossed our picket line.”


The district’s superintendent Austin Beutner said that a fact finder ruled that if the union were to get everything they are demanding, LAUSD would be bankrupt in a few years.


Sack them all fucking indoctrinating kids with liberal BS should be a crime

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.4765781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6010

‘NATO Has Outlived Its Usefulness & Should Go Into Dustbin of History’ – Scholar


On Monday, The New York Times cited unnamed senior administration officials as saying that US President Donald Trump has ostensibly questioned US membership in NATO and expressed a wish to withdraw the country from the bloc.


Radio Sputnik has discussed the report with Dr Joseph Cheng, Professor of Political Science at the City University of Hong Kong.


Sputnik: What are your thoughts on the report that US President Trump repeatedly expressed his wish to withdraw the country from NATO?


Dr. Joseph Cheng: Well, Trump as a businessman has approached this from the point of view of finances and of course until very recently only four other members of NATO paid the 2 percent of GDP — Britain, Poland, Greece, and Estonia — which he found unsatisfactory. But I believe there are other reasons why NATO has outlived its usefulness, including that, instead of serving as a defensive organisation against a no longer extent Soviet Union, it’s being used for wars of aggression such as the slaughter in Libya, which was orchestrated by Hillary Clinton with the approval of Barack Obama and John Brennan. It was a great atrocity of one of the most humane societies ever realised on the face of Earth.


And now I think the fact that there has been an encroachment on the Eastern Bloc nations [that] Ronald Reagan had solemnly agreed with Mikhail Gorbachev that they would not be weaponised, westernised, no attempt to be made become NATO nations that the United States has grossly violated, beginning with Bill Clinton. And therefore, I believe that withdrawing from NATO and allowing NATO to fall apart would be a good thing for the world, for Europe, for the United States altogether.


Sputnik: Professor, the report by The New York Times details Trump’s alleged words dating back to last summer. Why is the media outlet reporting about this now?


Dr. Joseph Cheng: Well, that’s a great question. There has been a massive assault on Trump by the mainstream media and the Democrats because he is being far more successful than they had ever imagined. He has strengthened the American economy prior to the midterms, for example. He had a 50 percent approval rating according to the Rasmussen Poll. He even had a 40 percent approval rating from black Americans. This is devastating potentially to Democrats because if they lose the black vote on which they count having 90 to 95 percent, they are going to have great difficulty winning elections. This is another reason why they are opposing the wall. They want immigrants to come into the United States because they expect they are going vote Democratic. So I believe this is part of an ongoing effort to trash Trump, where the media is reporting only the Democratic version of events, which we know of course, was long since infiltrated by the CIA, in Operation Mockingbird beginning in the 1950s.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.4765807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>5861

Finns Demand Rapist Migrants Be Deported as More Child Sex Abuse Cases Emerge


Tens of thousands of Finns have demanded a “zero tolerance” approach to third world migrants who commit sex offences, after new cases of foreign men preying on children emerged.


Support for a citizens’ initiative calling for the government to withdraw asylum from migrants found guilty of sex crimes surged over the weekend, attracting over 79,000 signatures in the country of 5.5 million people after news that more foreigners were arrested last week in connection with the rape and abuse of minors.


Finnish prime minister Juha Sipilä said he felt a “deep sense of disgust” upon learning that police in Oulu, a north-western Finnish city and municipality rocked by child sex abuse allegations last month, had opened a probe into four new offences against girls aged between 10 and 15.


“I fully understand that there is shock and concern among members of the public,” he acknowledged, adding: “Our thoughts are with all of the minors and their families [who suffered as a result of] these totally inhuman and reprehensible acts. I cannot understand that level of violence and recklessness.”


Breitbart London has previously reported how Sipilä used his address at New Year to warn citizens that “disseminating hate speech” was a crime following widespread public anger over migrants sexually abusing Finnish children, however.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.4765862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5885

First US Crude Cargos Head to China Since Trade Breakthrough


HOUSTON—Three cargos of U.S. crude are heading to China from the U.S. Gulf Coast, trade sources said on Jan. 15, the first departures since late September and a 90-day pause in the two countries’ trade war that began last month.


The vessels left Galveston, Texas, last month and are scheduled to arrive at Chinese ports between late January and early March, according to shipbrokers and vessel tracking data. The shipments mark a change since Chinese buyers largely began avoiding U.S. oil during the trade dispute that flared last summer.


“It looks like China has resumed purchasing U.S. crude,” one U.S.-based shipbroking source said. The person, who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter, said the destination data could yet change.


China is the world’s biggest crude importer and became a top buyer of U.S. crude after Washington lifted a 40-year ban on shipments in late 2015. It imported 325,000 barrels per day (bpd) of U.S. crude in the first nine months of 2018, customs data showed.


Beijing has also resumed purchases of some U.S. soybeans for delivery this year. But China’s 25 percent tariff on U.S. soybean cargos remains in place.


The supertanker Alboran carrying about 2 million barrels of oil recently rounded South Africa’s Cape of Good Hope and is due to arrive in China late this month, said brokers, citing fixture data.


The Almi Atlas and the Manifa, two other vessels carrying 2 million barrels of crude, are expected to reach China in late February or early March. The two ships are currently located off Brazil, according to Refinitiv Eikon vessel tracking data.


The cargos mark the first shipments of U.S. crude to China since U.S. President Donald Trump in December said China would begin taking more American products.


“It’s a follow through of statements by the Chinese government they would indeed begin purchasing commodities from the United States again,” said Reid I’Anson, an energy economist at data provider Kpler.


As China reduced U.S. crude imports, more American oil flowed into neighboring Asian countries, including India, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. U.S. exports climbed to 2.33 million bpd in October, up from 2.2 million bpd in June.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.4765921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5945

KEK & Netanyahu always bragging about how awesome they are!!!


Israeli Merkava 4 Went Missing When Tank Commander Was In Bathroom


An Israeli tank commander briefly lost his Merkava 4 battle tank while he was in the bathroom, the Israeli media reported on January 15.


It appeared that the battle tank rolled 600 meters down a hill out of control and crossed a main highway in southern Israel after the crew fell asleep inside it. The incident reportedly took place over the past week, during a tank commanders course near the Armored Corps training base.


“The crew commander had gotten out of the tank to go to the bathroom, and when he returned he saw that his Merkava 4 tank was missing. It was located only after a few minutes, on the other side of Route 40,” Haaretz reports.


A preliminary investigation of the incident found that the crew of combat soldiers had fallen asleep and didn’t notice the tank was rolling away.


“This is an unusual safety incident that will be investigated and from which lessons will be learned in order to prevent the recurrence of similar cases in the future,” the military said in a statement on the issue.


Security incidents involving Israeli soldiers occur on a cosntant basis. Some of them even cause casualties. For example in April, one soldier was killed and three others were injured when a shell caught on fire inside a tank along the Egyptian border.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.4765997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6191

Live coverage: Trump AG pick grilled on Mueller probe at confirmation hearing


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President Trump's nominee for attorney general, William Barr, will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning for his confirmation hearing.


Barr is expected to face many questions from Democrats about special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, which he would oversee should he be confirmed to helm the Justice Department. Barr plans to tell lawmakers that he will allow Mueller to complete his probe unimpeded and will work to make the special counsel's findings public, according to his prepared remarks.


If confirmed, Barr will replace Jeff Sessions, who resigned at Trump's request the day after the November midterm elections. Sessions faced a barrage of criticism from the president over his recusal from the Russia investigation leading up to his resignation.


Barr's confirmation hearing is slated to begin at 9:30 a.m.


Stick with The Hill and bookmark this page for regular updates.


Barr: I would 'not carry out' president's order to fire Mueller if no good cause


1:05 p.m.


Barr assured Sen. Christopher Coons (D-Del.) he would not fire Mueller if the president ordered him to do so without good cause.


Coons tied his question to the Watergate scandal, when the prosecutor investing Watergate resigned instead of following President Nixon's order for him to fire the special counsel investigating the matter.


"Most famously, when directed by President Nixon to fire the special counsel, the prosecutor investigating Watergate, Richard Nixon resigned, as we all know. If those directions were to fire Mueller, would you follow Richard Nixon's example and resign instead?" Coons asked.


"Assuming no good cause," the lawmaker added.


"I would not carry out that instruction," Barr replied.


— Olivia Beavers



NOTE: Does this negate Obama's pardons???

"Do you believe a president could lawfully issue a pardon in exchange for the recipient's promise not incriminate him?" Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) asked Barr during his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


"No, that would be a crime," Barr said.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.4766051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6226 >>6328

Prosecution Requests NXIVM Trial Be Delayed! Raniere’s attorney objects


Based on a flurry of filings that took place last Friday, it looks like the currently scheduled March 18th “Start Date” for the trial of the NXIVM Numbskulls is going to get postponed.


But the presiding judge in the case, Nicholas G. Garaufis, has not yet issued a ruling on this matter.


The latest development started with a letter to Judge Garaufis from Justine A. Harris, one of the attorneys representing Kathy Russell.


In her January 11th filing, Ms. Harris began by noting that “…we write on behalf of Kathy Russell to respectfully request that the trial date be adjourned”. She later noted that Clare Bronfman and Nancy Salzman concur with Russell’s request.


Harris then went on to reference an earlier filing by Russell, Clare Bronfman, and Nancy Salzman in which they asked to have their trial severed from that of that Keith Raniere (and presumably Allison Mack and Lauren Salzman) – and to have their trial postponed (Because this filing was done “under seal”, we are nor certain of its exact wording).


Although Harris did not provide Judge Garaufis with a proposed new “Start Date” for the trial of Russell, Bronfman and Nancy Salzman, she did request that it be a date at least 90 days after the government’s disclosure of its (RICO) enterprise evidence.


Per the current court-approved schedule, the prosecution is supposed to file its Enterprise Letter on or before January 30, 2019. Thus, if the court were to grant Harris’ pending request, then the earliest date for the start of the trial would be April 30, 2019.


And, if as expected – and, indeed, as promised by the prosecution – there is a superseding indictment in the case, that could push the “Start Date” back even further.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.4766072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former top FBI lawyer James Baker subject of criminal media leak probe, transcript reveals


The former top lawyer at the FBI has been under federal investigation for leaking to the media, a letter from House Republicans revealed Tuesday.


The letter from GOP Reps. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows cited the transcript of a congressional interview with former General Counsel James Baker and his lawyer last fall, where the probe conducted by seasoned U.S. Attorney John Durham was confirmed.


“You may or may not know, [Baker has] been the subject of a leak investigation … a criminal leak investigation that’s still active at the Justice Department,” lawyer Daniel Levin told lawmakers, as he pushed back on questions about his client’s conversations with reporters.


Jordan and Meadows’ letter was sent to Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, and requested additional information about the probe later this month.


"As we continue our oversight and investigative work, we felt it prudent to write to you seeking an update. Without being apprised of the contours of your leak investigation and Baker’s role, we run the risk of inadvertently interfering with your prosecutorial plans," they wrote.

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.4766109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6274

High Ranking Scientologist chastises Frank Report: ‘Rick Ross is an authority on his own crimes not anyone else’s’


International Director of STAND [Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination]


Mr. Parlato;


I read your recent article lauding Rick Ross as an authority and forwarding the “Cult Awareness Network, or CAN, was sued into bankruptcy by Scientology” misinformation.


The truth is that Ross, Cult Awareness Network and their co-conspirators were found guilty by a District Court jury of conducting involuntary deprogramming.


Involuntary deprogramming was CAN’s undoing. In January of 1994, Jason Scott filed suit against the Cult Awareness Network (CAN), deprogrammer Rick Ross and others as a result of their forcible abduction and attempted involuntary deprogramming of Scott from his religion, the Pentecostal Church.


The case was tried in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington in Seattle. The jury found in favor of Scott and awarded him compensatory damages of $875,000, punitive damages of $1,000,000 against CAN, and punitive damages of $2,500,000 against Ross and the other deprogrammers. CAN and Ross sought a new trial. In denying the motions for a new trial on November 29, 1995, Judge John C. Coughenour wrote the following concerning practice of CAN representatives of referring people to deprogrammers:


“[T]estimony also established that Ms. Landa, acting in accordance with CAN’s practices, disseminated inflammatory information on cults and referred Ms. Tonkin to a known “involuntary deprogrammer.”

Anonymous ID: caa62e Jan. 15, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.4766209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fort Hood soldiers killed in separate training accidents



A soldier killed Sunday and another on Monday evening in training center accidents were both assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas, according to Army releases.


Pfc. Andrew Ortega, 32, died over the weekend at Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, while another as-yet-unnamed soldier died the following day at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California.


“On behalf of the soldiers and families of Ironhorse [brigade], I extend my deepest condolences to Spc. Ortega’s family," the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team commander, Col. Wilson Rutherford IV, said in a release. “Andrew’s service and dedication to the brigade’s mission are displays of his true character and professionalism.”