Anonymous ID: dbcb65 Jan. 15, 2019, 10:23 a.m. No.4765791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5803 >>5811 >>5813 >>5821 >>5822 >>5840 >>5851 >>5877 >>5881 >>5888 >>5925 >>5931 >>5975 >>5979 >>6024 >>6039 >>6058 >>6074 >>6085 >>6150 >>6187 >>6211 >>6226 >>6328

>>4763936 (pb)


Women SHOULD get back in the kitchen…it's destroying the family dynamic. The whole "women's movement" was started by Rockefeller because as long as women were in the home, they weren't able to tax them. Get them out working and you can collect an income tax from them, too…next, household incomes rise, so big corporations increase prices slowly to ensure that it isn't financially possible to have the woman NOT working and have the family survive relatively comfortably. This splits the family up, teaches the kids that family interaction is less important, be more independent of your family. Instead of having each member of the family having a separate (BUT EQUALLY IMPORTANT) role in the "family", you now have two people providing the head of household "role", and the children now relying on the schools to be their maternal figure, indoctrinating them into feeling that the institution is part of their family. This was the start of the dissolution of "family" as we knew it, and as long as women feel the need to attempt to be a man's "equal", it will continue to dissolve. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. If the problem is that you women feel undervalued and underappreciated as the maker of the home, well, you can thank the women's movement for that, too. Through careful propaganda, they made you feel like you weren't the glue that held the family together, and you were a second-class contributor…that you didn't have an important role in the family…that you needed recognition, and the only way you were going to get it was to show men that you could do their job. Oh, I'm sure there were some egotistical men out there who embraced that view, but there were definitely more out there that knew they couldn't (shouldn't) do it without their wives, just as their wives knew they couldn't (shouldn't) do it without their husbands. Men could have been the homemakers, but that defeats the purpose of our maker's intelligent design of male and female. Our bodies were specifically designed for different roles! So, slow your roll, know your role, and make sure you show your appreciation toward the other players on your team for their contributions.

Anonymous ID: dbcb65 Jan. 15, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.4766156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Femfag…you know the rules…


…and you struggle to fit in the right way because you're trying to fit in with men('s roles). Don't take that as a sexist comment, but there was a reason to the last line of my post…"slow your roll, know your role…"

Anonymous ID: dbcb65 Jan. 15, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.4766224   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm at work…and wifeanon is in the kitchen…


…I think you've been slappin' your own nuts so much that you've begun to start seeing that as a remedy to being butt hurt.