Anonymous ID: 41834e Feb. 23, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.477039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7057 >>7063 >>7078 >>7126

An article posted on Linked In by Michael Holt has an interesting theory about what has been happening in government and how it connects to Trump (and also to this board). I’d like to summarize some of his main points.


He believes that there is a “war” happening inside the CIA, and by extension between the NSA and the CIA. He equates the CIA to the "swamp monsters.” He states that the CIA has positioned itself to have more power than all the other agencies and in some cases, even the President. The DNI, who oversees the CIA and other intelligence agencies,does not “control" the CIA. Current DNI is Dan Coats, who replaced Obama’s James Clapper.


Obama’s executive order allowing NSA info to be shared freely among the 16 other intelligence agencies gave CIA access to the NSA’s spying on illegal CIA activities. Snowden was involved in the war between NSA/CIA. " Snowden’s “leaks” have become the bane of the NSA who now has to admit they certainly do spy on Americans because Obama expanded the NDAA to include Americans as warfare combatants.


"The battle between the CIA and the NSA became public again when the CIA set up a sting that uncovered that Cisco Systems, a DARPA company, has built-in back doors on all their routers so that the NSA can spy undetected. The main stream media was even given videos of Cisco employees installing the backdoors in routers. The CIA found out about the back doors and made the information public to stop the NSA’s hacking of the CIA systems.”


"Since Obama’s rewritten NDAA allows the military to target American citizens as domestic terrorists and enemy combatants, there are no limits for the CIA at this point.”


He says that in the aftermath of WWII, the original CIA (the OSS) stole the gold and other assets of the countries involved in the war. The CIA got the stolen gold of Germany and Japan and held it in the Philippines and Switzerland. The CIA set up banks, offshore accounts, dummy companies, and vaults to hold or launder the gold and other assets. These collective operations were called “The Company.” The CIA infiltrated the U.S. Treasury and Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) and gained control of the Federal Reserve.


Holt states that the CIA has been ruthless in killing whoever would stand in their way. Operatives are never allowed to leave and are kept in subjection through blackmail. "The GB-CIA set up the worst forms of sexual depravities, pedophilia, and sacrificial rituals to provide opportunities to gain compromising video footage of operatives and the politicians they pulled into these sick and twisted activities….The CIA created many of the largest global pedophile rings online.”


This summarizes Holt’s description of the original CIA faction.


https:// www.


part one

Anonymous ID: 41834e Feb. 23, 2018, 4:41 p.m. No.477057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7078 >>7097 >>7110 >>7158 >>7171 >>7215 >>7338 >>7417 >>7422 >>7590



Michael Holt, The CIA part 2


The second faction is what he calls “The Bush CIA.” Bush Sr. was head of the CIA, and VP under Reagan. Holt says that Bush led the team that assented JFK and was behind the attempt on Reagan. Holt states that GHWB and his brother worked with Leo Wants and George Soros to destabilize Russia’s currency. They stole gold and money from Russia and laundered it through Riggs Bank, Velment Bank, and Bain Capital (Mitt Romney’s company).


GHWB’s rogue CIA compromised the White House, the Justice Dept. and the State Dept. This gave them the ability to conduct illegal activities without consequence. Holt states that the Bush CIA=the Bush Criminal Family which incorporates into it the Clintons and Obamas. He says that Bush was behind Bill from the beginning, before he ran for governor of Arkansas. Obama’s mother was in the CIA and Obama was groomed from the beginning by the CIA.


"Pizzagate recently brought forward the fact that John Podesta and his brother are not only the most powerful lobbyists in Washington but that they are also at the top of pedophilia in the U.S. government, and have been since the Reagan administration. Bush Sr. actually ran the Reagan administration and pedophilia was commonplace in the White House and throughout the Washington elite. It was so commonplace that the ethics of congressmen went straight to hell because the White House itself was so openly involved in sex crimes at the highest levels. Numerous scandals rocked the White House and even reached the main stream media.”


Holt says GHWB took orders from the CFR and had blackmail files on everyone. He developed close ties with SA, Germany, and Israel intelligence. He was best friends with the Saudi royal family and lived there in their palaces much of the time. Bill Clinton was involved with CIA in Iran-Contra and Bush groomed him to be the next president. Upon leaving the White House, Bush became affiliated with the Carlyle Group which made him a billionaire. He founded Barrick Gold Corporation to launder CIA gold.


According to Holt, Soros and Wanta made trillions from Bush brothers’ collapse of Russia’s currency and theft of Russia’s gold. Bill Clinton took his orders from GHWB but let his position go to his head leading to the CF and Hillary’s run for the presidency. The Clinton Foundation was "the most pathetic international money grab, under the auspices of a charity, in American history.”


W. Bush followed in GHWB’s footsteps and obeyed his orders. "Essentially, the Bush-CIA made the two political parties into one party controlled by the same people. Voting was a formality because all candidates had to be screened and approved by the two political factions of the CIA.” GHWB’s dream of the globalist NWO. This explains why they all got away with scandals because the Justice Dept. was compromised.


This is the conclusion of Holt’s description of the 2nd faction of the CIA. The third, he claims, is comprised of ex-CIA members who left the government and went into private agencies. "Private 'vendors' constitute 29% of the U.S. intelligence workforce and account for 49% of the overall intelligence community budget.” This faction has seen the money accumulated due to corruption and gotten greedy to make some for themselves. These people go back and forth between government and private jobs and work for both factions of the CIA depending on where they are hired at any given time. These people include James Comey and John Brennan. Holt details how Come was involved in protecting the Clintons and Obama from many scandals.


Holt explains that Obama sent ISIS into Syria under orders from CIA faction 1 to change the regime because Syria refused to allow a pipeline from Iraq to the Mediterranean through Syria.

The Bush CIA funded and trained Syrian rebels. The ex-CIA funded and trained Kurdish rebels. So basically, the Syrians were fighting a war on behalf of the 3 CIA factions. He believes that the DNC hacking, the dossier, etc., were all distractions to keep eyes off of Obama’s involvement in Syria.


Holt and the Anonymous Patriots then conclude with suggestions for President Trump to stop the “overthrow of America by the CIA.”


Based upon the information in this article, I think it’s very likely that “Godfather III” is GHWB. He was/is a criminal boss of the biggest criminal organization (the 3-letter CIA=III).



https:// www.