Anonymous ID: 95b6f7 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.4769518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9547 >>9898 >>9924 >>0179

Federal Court Orders Discovery on Clinton Email, Benghazi Scandal: Top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes to Respond to Judicial Watch Questions Under Oath


Seven Other Top State Department/Clinton Aides Must also Respond to Judicial Watch Queries


(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch announced today that United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled that discovery can begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides will now be deposed under oath. Senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap — will now have to answer Judicial Watch’s written questions under oath. The court rejected the DOJ and State Department’s objections to Judicial Watch’s court-ordered discovery plan. (The court, in ordering a discovery plan last month, ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”)


Judicial Watch’s discovery will seek answers to:


Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system;

whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.


Discovery is scheduled to be completed within 120 days. The court will hold a post-discovery hearing to determine if Judicial Watch may also depose additional witnesses, including Clinton and her former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills.


Judge Lamberth ordered written responses under oath to Judicial Watch’s questions from Obama administration senior officials Rice, Rhodes and Sullivan, and former FBI official Priestap. Rice and Rhodes will answer interrogatories under oath on the Benghazi scandal. Rejecting the State and Justice Department objections to discovery on the infamous Benghazi talking points, Judge Lamberth reiterated:


Yet Rice’s talking points and State’s understanding of the attack play an unavoidably central role in this case: information about the points’ development and content, as well as their discussion and dissemination before and after Rice’s appearances could reveal unsearched, relevant records; State’s role in the points’ content and development could shed light on Clinton’s motives for shielding her emails from FOIA requesters or on State’s reluctance to search her emails.

Anonymous ID: 95b6f7 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:27 p.m. No.4769741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin Asks And Trump Delivers - Here Is A List Of All The Good Things Trump Did For Russia


Slate's Fred Kaplan writes:


The Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported Sunday that President Donald Trump’s confiscation of the translator’s notes from a one-on-one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017 was “unusual.” This is incorrect. It was unprecedented. There is nothing like it in the annals of presidential history.


Not really. Other U.S. leaders held long private meetings with their counterparts without notes being taken.


When Richard Nixon met Leonid Brezhnev he did not even bring his own interpreter:


George Szamuely @GeorgeSzamuely - 20:57 utc - 14 Jan 2019


Nixon would meet Brezhnev alone, the only other person in attendance being Viktor Sukhodrev, the Soviet interpreter. "Our first meeting in the Oval Office was private, except for Viktor Sukhodrev, who, as in 1972, acted as translator." Nixon on Brezhnev's 1973 visit. RN, p.878 . Therefore, the only "notes" that would exist would be those of the Soviet interpreter. Not sure he would have time to make notes and translate and, even if he did so, whether those notes would be housed in any US archive.


Nixon's White House office was bugged. There are probably tape recordings of the talks. There might also be recordings of the Trump-Putin talks.


At their 1986 Reykjavik summit Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev talked without their notetakers:


Mr. Reagan and Mr. Gorbachev began their second day of talks with a private meeting that had been scheduled to last 15 minutes but ran for nearly 70 minutes, with only interpreters present. They met in a small room in the Soviet Mission, with the Soviet leader seated in a small armchair and Mr. Reagan on a sofa.


In the afternoon, they meet alone for a little over 20 minutes and then again for 90 minutes. All told, the two leaders have spent 4 hours and 51 minutes alone, except for interpreters, over the two days here.


The archives of the Reykjavik talks do not include any notes of those private talks.


But, who knows, maybe Nixon and Reagan where also on the Russian payroll, just like Donald Trump is today.

Anonymous ID: 95b6f7 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:30 p.m. No.4769765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9794 >>9805 >>9844 >>9924 >>9925 >>0118 >>0179

China’s Ambassador to Canada Exposes the White Supremacist Five Eyes Surveillance State


This is the deep state that has been dedicated to overthrowing American President Donald Trump since MI6 and their junior partners in America began organising Russia-gate in 2015.



In a January 9, 2019 op-ed in Ottawa’s Hill Times, China’s Ambassador to Canada, Lu Shaye did what no other mainstream media outlet has been willing to do since the untimely arrest of Huawei’s CFO Meng Wanzhou occurred while she was boarding a plane in Vancouver on December 1st. Much dispute has arisen over the arrest and China’s response with its own arrest of two Canadians suspected of espionage in Beijing.


In an article entitled Why the double standard on justice for Canadians, Chinese? Ambassador Lu cut through the noise being created by the media and western political class by exposing the over bloated western surveillance state known as the Five Eyes which he properly identified as the outgrowth of the unconstitutional Patriot Act, the Prism surveillance system which has annihilated all semblance of privacy among trans-Atlantic nations.


After describing the double standard applied by Canadian elites who have constructed a narrative that always paints China as the villain of the world while portraying the west as “free and democratic” Ambassador Lu stated:


“these same people have conveniently ignored the PRISM Program, Equation Group, and Echelon—global spying networks operated by some countries that have been engaging in large-scale and organized cyber stealing, and spying and surveillance activities on foreign governments, enterprises, and individuals. These people also took a laissez-faire attitude toward a country that infringes on its citizens’ privacy rights through the Patriot Act. They shouted for a ban by the Five Eyes alliance countries…. on the use of Huawei equipment by these countries’ own enterprises”


For those who may not be aware, the Five Eyes is the name given to the British GCHQ-controlled surveillance structure that involves the four primary Anglo-Saxon Commonwealth countries (Britain, Canada, Australian and New Zealand) along with the United States. This is the deep state that has been dedicated to overthrowing American President Donald Trump since MI6 and their junior partners in America began organising Russia-gate in 2015-when it became apparent that Trump had a serious chance of defeating the Deep State candidate Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous ID: 95b6f7 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.4769804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9924 >>0179

Here Are The Democrats Who Have Expressed Support For Some Kind Of A Border Barrier


As Democratic leadership refuses to give President Donald Trump a single dollar for the border wall, rank-and-file Democrats are publicly expressing support for funding some kind of physical barrier.


The partial government shutdown over border security is now in its fourth week, as Democrats refuse to fulfill the president’s request for $5.7 billion in funding for the wall. At most, Democratic leaders have offered just $1.6 billion for “border security” and nothing for the wall — even if Trump re-opens the government prior to negotiating.


Two administration officials told The Daily Caller on Tuesday that are planning on exploiting fissures in the Democratic Party, particularly among newly-elected Democrats in border states whose constituents support a physical border barrier. The White House hopes the strategy puts pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.


The strategy appears to be a sound one, as a number of Democrats have publicly stated that they support funding for at least a partial border wall or fence.


Freshman Democratic California Rep. Katie Hill told CNN last week that she would “vote for some money for physical barriers.”


Democratic Washington Rep. Adam Smith conceded that “the wall is not in itself a bad idea” and that he voted for some fencing in the past, but claimed that the president has not appropriately justified adding more barriers on the border.


“If we have a partial wall, if we have fencing, if we have technology used to keep our borders safe, all of that is fine,” Democratic Illinois Rep. Cheri Bustos said on CNN before admonishing the president for refusing to accept anything less than $5.7 billion for a barrier.


Democratic California Rep. John Garamendi similarly said that he would support a border fence, stating, “Democrats have repeatedly said that we will support border security, we will support all of its elements including fences.”


“There may be places where everybody will agree, ‘Yeah, a wall makes sense there,'” Independent Maine Sen. Angus King said, adding that he believes the current debate in Congress is a full wall versus open borders.


Republican Virginia Rep. Denver Riggleman claimed on WMAL’s “Mornings on the Mall” yesterday that even more Democrats admit privately that they support some kind of physical barrier.


Notably, Trump is no longer proposing a solid concrete wall across the entire border as he hinted at during the 2016 campaign. Rather, similar to the wishes of the above Democrats, the White House’s border wall proposal includes fencing in highly-trafficked areas, concrete walls in areas prone to flooding, drone technology and repairs to existing fencing.

Anonymous ID: 95b6f7 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.4769856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0091 >>0179

Mueller Asks Judge to Delay Sentencing of Ex-Trump Campaign Aide Gates


US Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked a federal judge to delay the sentencing of former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates by up to sixty days as he continues to cooperate with investigators, a court document revealed on Tuesday.


"To date, the status of this matter has not changed substantially since the November report, as defendant Gates continues to cooperate with respect to several ongoing investigations, and accordingly the parties do not believe it is appropriate to commence the sentencing process at this time," the document said. "The parties respectfully request that they provide a joint status report within sixty days, no later than March 15, 2019."


In November, Mueller and Gates’ attorneys in a court filing proposed submitting a joint status report no later than January 15, 2019.


Gates pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy and making false statements in connection with Mueller's investigation into Russia, the 2016 election and alleged collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign.


Media reported last month, citing unnamed sources, that Mueller might submit his finding by as early as mid-February.


Russia has repeatedly denied interfering in the US election, calling the allegations "absurd," and both Moscow and US President Donald Trump have dismissed accusations of collusion.

Anonymous ID: 95b6f7 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.4769899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9924 >>0179 >>0279

As Germany and France Come Apart, So Too Will the EU


When is a nation-state no longer a functional state? It’s an interesting question to ask of the European nation-states trapped in the devolving European Union. Longtime correspondent Mark G. recently posed seven indicators of dissolving national sovereignty; here’s his commentary:


“RE: The Ghosts of 1968 (February 14, 2018):


In France the “Ghosts of 1968” have become the Poltergeists of 2018. This looks like another real watershed in European and world history. Once again Parisian mobs have appeared and have collectively realized they now hold the real power. And their issues are all anti-EU (European Union) and anti-NWO. (New World Order)


I’m honing my German Collapse Scenario as more data flows in, as it is in ever-faster and larger quantities. ‘Germany’ will implode in parallel with the EU.


So-called ‘states’ with:


  1. no effective military forces

  2. no control of their own borders

  3. no control of their currency and banks

  4. a government with a ‘diverse’ population in which the majority either has no loyalty to Berlin (recent ‘refugee’ immigrants) or has dropped its loyalty (large parts of Bavaria and Baden-Wurttemberg), and which is also losing the allegiance of the many eastern European immigrants in Germany. These people are among the most energized opponents of the ‘refugee’ influx.

  5. Fast rising anarchy and lawlessness by the recent ‘refugee’ immigrants, and which is well known to the population, as are the official orders to the police to minimize crime statistics reporting by not opening official cases.




  1. A mass media believed by no one due to the bald lies it broadcasts 24/7 daily about numbers 1-5.


…will soon cease to exist. This is confirmed by:


  1. The continuing spiral of the ruling post WWII political parties into their own political black holes. CDU/CSU on the right and SDP on the left have all lost their hold on the modern German population.


The biggest joke of all is that Theresa May is negotiating the terms of “Brexit” from the EU with a political corpse and not a viable polity.


Another round or lap is coming soon. Personally I think the only thing staving off another eurozone banking crisis is the absolute certainty that no imaginable German government can currently agree to the slightest external concession without risking an internal political collapse.


Thus all the various Eurozone elites involved are refraining from provoking such a crisis for calculated narrow reasons. This leaves it to a European mob in some capital to initiate it by confronting a national government with either internal political collapse or re-entering EU-wide monetary and fiscal conflict with the ECB/EU gang.


And yes, I’m sure you spotted the next part. Poland and Hungary acting on behalf of the Phoenix Rising Ersatz Austro-Hungarian Empire will twist the EU’s tail at that time as hard as they can for maximum regional advantage.”

Anonymous ID: 95b6f7 Jan. 15, 2019, 3:55 p.m. No.4770112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0269

Texas Rangers Hall of Fame pitcher John Wetteland sexually assaulted 4-year-old, police say


Texas Rangers Hall of Fame pitcher John Wetteland was arrested Monday over accusations that he sexually assaulted a child for two years starting at the age of 4.


Wetteland, 52, is charged with continuous sexual abuse of a child under the age of 14. The Trophy Club resident posted $25,000 bond and was released from custody the same day as his arrest.


He forced a relative to perform a sex act on him, according to his arrest-warrant affidavit, beginning in 2004 when the child was 4 years old. It happened twice more during a two-year period, the accuser said.


The abuse occurred at Wetteland’s home in Bartonville, about 10 miles south of Denton, the affidavit said.


The Dallas Morning News generally does not identify those alleging sexual assault.


The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services referred the case to Bartonville police Wednesday, according to Chief Bobby Dowell. Bartonville police issued a warrant for Wetteland’s arrest, which the Denton County Sheriff’s Office served.


His former wife declined to comment Tuesday. The pair divorced in 2015.


One of Wetteland’s daughters said in a Facebook post that the allegations were untrue and would be disproven in court.


Wetteland coached for the Rangers in the minor and major leagues before joining the Washington Nationals in 2006.