Anonymous ID: 401b3c Jan. 15, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.4771255   🗄️.is 🔗kun


William Barr beats the shit out of Sheldon Whitehouse & the Stupid inbred arrogant fuck is too stupid to realize it

Anonymous ID: 401b3c Jan. 15, 2019, 5:44 p.m. No.4771411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1433 >>1632 >>1740


The Quiet Patriot

As more details about Obama’s great SpyGate crime start to come into public view, recent revelations appear to shed more light on the important, but often overlooked, role of Dana Boente, as REX explains.

by Rex


Tue, January 15, 2019

On 13 January, 2017, three days after the Senate Judiciary Committee began hearings on President-elect Trump’s nomination of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, then President Obama quietly signed EO 13762, Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice.


It was just seven days before the end of Obama’s presidency. In a major breach of protocol, the change was never communicated to President-elect Trump’s transition team.


The effect of Obama’s EO was significant and, in the light of events since, appears calculated. It meant that should the future Attorney General Sessions be forced to recuse or resign, Channing Phillips, then Acting Attorney for the District of Columbia, would be first in line to take over as Acting Attorney General.


Channing Phillips was a fierce Eric Holder/Obama loyalist and apparatchik. The Obama calculus now seems obvious - forcing the removal of Sessions would elevate Phillips to the AAG role, allowing Phillips to cause mayhem, working with an FBI that was then stacked to the rafters with corrupt officials such as the lamentable Peter Strzok - and led by the most crooked FBI Director ever, one James Comey.


While we can see now that it was a desperate ‘hail mary’ by Obama and his goons, at the time it would have made perfect sense. It remains unknown whether the Mueller Special Counsel was already planned by January 13, 2017 - the engineered removal of Sessions suggests that it may well have been - but even if it wasn’t, a Phillips/Comey combination would be an ideal way to protect the Obama administration. And a powerful weapon, to attack and destroy POTUS Trump.


Of course, the effect of Obama’s EO meant that the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, next in line should the Attorney-General be forced to recuse or resign, was removed from the order of succession.


That man was Dana Boente.


Boente in Early Trump Administration

Again, Obama’s EO was more likely a strategic calculation to elevate Phillips, rather than to punish Boente. As stated, Phillips was a partisan Obama loyalist and Eric Holder acolyte, while Boente was an unknown quantity, with a reputation as a non-partisan straight shooter. For what was coming, Obama needed his partisan thugs in place. Boente clearly didn’t qualify.


POTUS Trump was wise to the strategy, however. He revoked EO 13762 on February 9, 2017.


Even without Obama’s EO, we can see how his thugs worked, by observing how the succession played out following Loretta Lynch’s resignation on January 20, 2017. Sally Yates caused havoc as soon as she became the Acting Attorney General. In just days, this disgraced partisan hack caused mayhem, participating in the seditious framing of General Flynn, as well as openly defying POTUS, which led to her being fired for insubordination on 30 January.


What of Channing Phillips? Phillips, never having been confirmed as the Attorney for DC, was effectively given his marching orders on June 12, 2017, after President Trump nominated Jessie Liu for the role. Liu was confirmed in September, 2017. Bye bye Channing, nice not to have known you.


On 10 March, 2017, Sessions presented POTUS Trump with a list of 46 United States Attorneys that he had wanted to resign. However, it seems that Trump found out about Obama’s sneaky EO and that he had his own mind about at least two of the attorneys on that list. Dana Boente’s name was on there, but Trump refused to accept his resignation. Ditto, Rod Rosenstein.


Boente ended up continuing his role as USA for the Eastern District of Virginia until January 28, 2018. After Sally Yates was fired by POTUS Trump, Boente took over as Acting Attorney General until February 9, 2017. Boente then became the Acting US Deputy Attorney General, reporting to new DAG Rod Rosenstein, from February 9 to April 25, 2017.


By the way, who would have advised POTUS Trump about Obama’s sneaky EO and recommended it be revoked? The Acting Attorney General. What was his name? Dana Boente.


Boente Contacting Strzok

Yesterday, Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller noted an 11 May, 2017 tweet from Peter Strzok to Lisa Page, that seems to indicate Strzok meeting with Rod Rosenstein (the DAG) on the same date, two days after POTUS Trump had fired James Comey.


Interestingly, an analysis of the texts between Page and Strzok also appears to shed light on Dana Boente wanting to know what Comey’s crooks were up to. They appear to reveal Boente in contact with Strzok and trying to gain Strzok’s trust.