Anonymous ID: 6aa1b9 Jan. 15, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.4773402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3517

Posted on 2019/01/14


Robert Steele with Mohammad Ghaderi & Javan Heiran-Nia: INTERVIEW – Trump Will Be Re-Elected, Zionists Not Russians Are the Enemy, Kushner Must Go


Q: Robert Mueller is a Republican, so his apparent defiance against Trump might show that the disaster is even beyond the imagination. What’s your opinion on this matter?


A: Robert Mueller is a Deep State apparatchik whose highest loyalty is to Dick Cheney, the de facto US president today, using the Continuity of Government (COG) program to manage the Shadow Government. Robert Mueller in my opinion should be investigated for treason because as Director of the FBI his primary duty was to cover up the fact that 9/11 was planned and executed by the Zionists with the active complicity of the Governors of New York and New Jersey, the leaders of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the Mayors of New York City including Rudy Guliani after the fact.[8] Dick Cheney was the ultimate enabler and cover-upper of this crime against humanity that is a Zionist follow-on to the USS Liberty attack done in collusion with Democratic President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who assumed the presidency after leading a cabal that assassinated John F. Kennedy.


Today Mueller is spending tens of millions of dollars to subvert the presidency of Donald Trump while all the major internal threats – Zionists, Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, the pharmaceutical complex – are allowed to commit treason on a daily basis with impunity.[9]


Mueller has one chance to save himself: to focus, instead of on Russia, on Zionist and Saudi financial donations and other forms of interference in the US election and US policy generally.[10]


Q. Some experts believe that the relations of Trump’s family members, especially Jared Kushner, with a big multinational Mafia is the origin of such a vast infiltration into different layers of the US political system and information structure.


A. There is some merit to this concern. I believe that Eric and Donald Trump Junior have been unwise in many of their contacts, but have not been traitors. I believe that Jared Kushner is a traitor who is more loyal to the Zionist agenda than to the President or the President’s daughter. I believe that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, both known Mossad officers, profiled Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton and then ran Zionist men – Chabad supremacists – in front of them until one clicked for each as a husband, “capturing” the woman for the Zionists. I am told – but have no direct knowledge – that Kushner has also been homosexually compromised by a Zionist sugar-daddy, much as George W. Bush was. The President has a blind spot when it comes to “daddy’s girl.” Were he properly advised, neither Jared Kushner nor Ivanka Trump would be working in the White House. At a minimum the President should order a deep counterintelligence probe using available data from NSA, to examine every email and every call Jared Kushner has made from a year before he met Ivanka to date. I believe such a probe would prove that he is compromised beyond possibility of redemption and should be removed from the US Government’s employment rolls immediately.[18]