Anonymous ID: c3db39 Jan. 15, 2019, 8:58 p.m. No.4773975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Time Cameras

a method of recovering sound waves from the past and converting them into visual and acoustic reconstruction of history.


Fr. Ernetti recovered "photographs" of events such the Crucifixion of Christ, and reconstructed acoustic events such as Quintus Ennius’ tragedy Thyestes in the original Latin from a performance in 169 BC. He also claimed to have recovered the original text of the Ten Commandments given to Moses. However, he refused to reveal any details of his invention, and it has been suppressed by the Italian government. He warned that "The machine can produce universal tragedy."


In 1934, William D. Pelley, editor of Liberation magazine, reported on his experiments with a form of time-camera which he called "Ultra-Vision", allegedly developed in collaboration with Thomas Edison and Steinmetz. The apparatus was confiscated by the FBI.


In 1912, Baron Ernst von Lubek published an account of his accounts with trans-time photography. His equipment included a cathode ray tube with lead and dysprosium electrodes, energized by an Oudin coil (a modified Tesla coil).


The Radionic Camera developed by George De La Warr was intended to detect disease by a suitable photographic method. It also is capable of photographing the past and the future. In the opinion of De La Warr,


"Time is a vector of the magnetic spectrum and that spectrum has a place in itself for events… There is a pre-physical world in which the camera might be expected to operate."


Cycles, Earth Changes and Time