Let me start here by saying I’m a Laura Loomer skeptic.
Beyond the fact that she’s further to the right that I care to go, I don’t think that her stunts — such as chaining herself to Twitter headquarters to protest her ban from the platform or interrupting Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey at a congressional hearing before that — lend any credibility to conservative causes.
While I don’t think she should have been banned from Twitter, I also think that her incessant self-promotion and dubious sourcing don’t lend her any credibility.
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However, I don’t want to see Laura Loomer tased for one of her stunts. That’s where Montel Williams and I apparently differ.
So, in case you don’t follow Loomer, she’s a well-known provocateur on the right who likes to record herself in spectacles that attempt to expose the fallacies of liberalism. In this case, I must give her some credit for originality: She recorded herself and a group of what she said were illegal aliens jumping the fence at Nancy Pelosi’s Napa Valley estate.
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However, since Nancy Pelosi is so welcoming, she said that “everyone is welcome here.” Loomer and her companions then set about putting up a canopy for a sanctuary inside Pelosi’s estate.
Legal? Not particularly, but neither are border crossings and Democrats seem to be fine with them. However, while I’m sure Montel wouldn’t institute a policy of tasing everyone who crossed the border illegally, he certainly seemed fine with it happening to Loomer.
“RT if you think Napa police should tase Laura Loomer…I’m tired of this child,” Montel wrote on Twitter.
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