I'm not into the aliens thing but I met a guy who was that showed me videos he had filmed himself and I couldn't explain them. They really did not appear fake.
If you post these repeatedly in a bread people will tune it out, ignore it, and resent people who spread those particular redpills, but I don't mind you posting how you see fit.
If you want to piss in God's face that's really not my business.
Your heart's in the right place.
I very strongly disagree, fwiw. But you may see in time why it gets posted here so frequently.
When the soldier arrested Jesus and they cut off the soldiers ear Jesus healed the soldier. Jesus didn't curse him. If you want to commit violence do it in your own name, not his. He threw the moneychangers from the temple, yes, but he did not kill or curse or attempt to jail them.
Practice Tummo if you want it to go faster.
I thought it was The Goodies at first. Do you remember that show?
Well then you can either look at it as singling out Jews or you can look at it as saying our judicial branch is heavily based on Jewish law at this point and in Jewish law the Ruth Bader Ginsburg "you can fuck 12 year olds" thing is actually not only normal, it's very conservative compared to the original "fucking kids at 3 years old is fine".
It was. Now Jewish lawyers are initiating their own law en masse. See New York city, Florida, California etc
You'll have to investigate on your own. No offense. Better that way, really.
Look into GW Bush and "Noahide law" for more info on this.
A guy died of laughter from watching The Goodies once. Srsly.
Filling the breadddddd