Anonymous ID: e47692 Feb. 23, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.478188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196

MK Ultra / Remote Neural Monitoring / Control Theory WITH ALL SAUCES!!


To answer Q’s question:




Big Pharma is required for research into Pharma / effects / animal & human trials of vaccines, medicines and supplements for mass human consumption. Lobbying of Doctors, Health Practitioners to prescribe their drugs. The lab that initially hosted MKUltra research and was funded by CIA is now part of NOVARTIS!! >>446734


To initially 'break' the mind there would need to be a physical intervention ('therapy') performed on the subject, after which the subject could be remote controlled via EMR. Without an intervention this could still affect mass population.




Am looking at the EMR transmission of control signals via sat referenced in Q's post: >>>/greatawakening/96


Aluminium adjuvant in vaccines has been found to concentrate in the brain of infants. Vaccination policy is enforced.


Involving chemtrails in the scope of this containing aluminium (increases amplitude of received EMR), barium (allows radar tracking of subjects / us!??) Strontium (increases effect of aluminium amplification in EMR, would this also amplify the effect of Barium?):




So chemicals from chemtrails increasing both our receptivity as well as our reactivity to EMR signals, as well as allow us to be tracked.


Both EMR and Fluoride share the capacity to be genotoxic and reduce melatonin secretion. Reduced melatonin secretion is seen to play a central role in the neoplastic and other diseases associated with EMR exposure (does this mean that assimilated Flouride in the body / brain from water as well as the drugs Fluoxetine and Mefloquine might increase the effect of the already amplified EMR??)


A lot of anti-psychotic and SSRI’s feature in these cases and the industry has been permeated by the CIA from the beginning:




But this has just been posted in the MK Ultra research thread which is really relevant (Mefloquine):




Background on MKUltra / Monarch:


Subject would need to be identified, monitored, then snatched for ‘therapy’. The CIA has used Hypnotherapy as well as MKUltra / Monarch ‘Trauma-based Mind Control’. An example of a Hypnotherapy subject is Candy Jones:




But there are persistent rumours and subject evidence of a much worse MKUltra program, Monarch (based on the research around the Monarch Butterfly that experiences are passed on genetically, and therefore ‘bloodline’ program subjects deliver better results). Further to the Hypnotism subjects, the Monarch subjects are tortured with pain and sexual abuse until their psyche splits and develops a personality to deal with the trauma experience (disassociation) which is then programmed by an experienced programmer.




The Nazi Mengele was brought to the US as part of operation paperclip to work with the CIA, and a well-remembered practitioner of the techniques was Dr Green (Greenbaum), operating in the MKUltra project that Gottlieb burnt the records for in 1973. He was discovered as a psychologist encountered some of his patients as they came naturally to him for therapy and spoke out about it:




Claudia Mullen was a survivor of this with her experiences and testimony being contained in the book: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. It was said that she had so much detail that if her story was not true then she would only have been able to get the information contained in her testimony via multiple FOIA requests, which she had not submitted.

Anonymous ID: e47692 Feb. 23, 2018, 6:29 p.m. No.478196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8261 >>8277


So as per Q’s post:




Candidates are identified, monitored and subjected to therapy as per Monarch programming. As per Q’s comment ‘just the TIP’ – there is a ‘Trauma Inpatient Programme’ at a Facility specialising in Dissociative Disorders in McLean, VA.




They are then further programmed / triggered / controlled via Extra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation. This patent was suggested by Bill Cooper in relation to a case brought up around Remote Neural Monitoring:




U.S Patent Number: 3,951,134 for remote sensing and modulation of brain waves, 1976.


This patent is now owned by Harris Corp, who also own the patent for the Stingray cell phone tracker (this in theory could be used to identify which person to affect with any Satellite ELF signals as their phone IMEI would be their identifier). Harris Corp have a history of working with GEC Marconi.


Some of the scientists that died on the Marconi SDI Programme in the 80’s and 90’s were working on ELF Signals as they were developing radar for the Stingray torpedo. Here is some info regarding the GEC / Marconi mind control and the deaths of the scientists:




If you look at this guy’s research, he has proved that the EMF of the brain interacts with the EMF of the earth and that information passes between the two and in fact can be picked up by a second mind (the resonant frequency of both the mind and the earth’s EMF is 7Hz).




Therefore if, for instance a signal of 1900kHz had the same signal, only inverted, added to it which was modulated with an additional signal of 7Hz, this would leave a signal at 7Hz which itself was the carrier for an AI controlled ‘brain wave pattern’ replicating EMR signals of desired neural behaviour which would then be picked up and incorporated into the brain’s EMF, and therefore theoretically produce the desired effect of the transmitted brainwaves on the person’s behaviour / thoughts / senses (sauce is in the above video, this is not bullshit!).


The thing about EMR is that all signals can be neatly added together, manipulated and subtracted out of there again – exposing the previously coded signals and pretty much any frequency as it’s just mathematics. With these having direct and measurable effects on a human’s consciousness there’s really no limit to what interference / controlling behaviour could be projected onto a subject remotely. Voices / audio & visual messages wouldn’t be a problem. Transmitting a consciousness to co-habit? Already been theorised and claimed by Robert Duncan. Hive-mind, anyone?


There could be hardware in some devices which takes this ELF satellite signal and introduces it into a mobile phone’s emissions so as to relay the ELF to the brain, and also monitors the brainwaves for their response and relays that. A phone could always introduce lower frequency signals into higher frequency carriers to bypass the problem of not having enough power to broadcast ELF signals. If you look at the level of energy that the internal signals are in the brain’s EMF they are miniscule; as the lecturer states – it’s not the level of the signal, it’s the modulation within that signal that is important.


Side-note: Is the above method a Scalar wave?


There is definitely enough info here, all relatively substantiated to propose a fact-based explanation as to how this can work in the real world. Would be good to have an idea of the mobile phone tech though, and any further ideas.





Anonymous ID: e47692 Feb. 23, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.478219   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good point. Deepstate uses states with slack regs to carry out ops: Scalia = no need for Coroner onsite. Kennedy - something about Dallas specifically with regards to investigation after.



Anonymous ID: e47692 Feb. 23, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.478330   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Deepdream is an AI constructing a full 3d image of your face which can be matched to Security Cam feeds by deepstate on the fly. Tracking you like a little rodent before unleashing a load of mind control via RNM (sauced in posts) and sending drone slaughterbots after you've shot everyone to blow your skull apart. comprehensive.