Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:03 a.m. No.4775790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5798 >>5815 >>5906 >>5909 >>6048 >>6269 >>6391

Pt 1


POTUS drew attention to the meal he served to the Clemson Tigers. In that tweet he presented a misspelling, which frankly looked deliberate.


That is, hamberders instead of hamburgers. Later POTUS did edit for the corrected spelling. What to make of that?


Let's take a closer look and see what pops out of the misspelling, first.






Well, okay, at least we see the Justice's maiden name, Bader. What to make of the remnant letters?


Look at Q Post 2653, Remember [her] history. Lots about sex-integration this and that. And censorship of pairs of sex-derived words such as man and woman, father and mother, husband and wife, and so on. Q noted that RBG, Wanted he, she, him, her, his, and hers to be dropped downt he memory hole.


Look at the remnant letters again: HE, SHE, HER, HERS, MR, MRS, MS. Maybe we should forget about them? Kek. Except a name hinted, HESS, although short one S. The name is thus somewhat hidden although it lurks just so.


[Mr] Stephen Hess is [her] cousin and [he] helped campaign for [MS] Ruth [BADER] Ginsburg's nomination to the highest court in the land. He did so by emphasizing [her] sex and the [sex] of feminist activists who were not keen on [her] at first. If not for that campaigning by [her] family, particularly [her] father and [her] male cousin, [she] may not have emerged as a nominee much less as an appointed Justice of the SC.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:05 a.m. No.4775798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5801 >>5804 >>5815 >>5906 >>5909


Pt 2


So, as we continue, let's keep in mind [her] history and, in particular, Who appointed her, as Q advised. POTUS corrected the misspelling in a second Tweet.






Good, we have all three of her initials. And a play on RBG's first name, Ruth [rue]. But what sham? Given the current context, and the news of her waning health and the prospect of POTUS selecting yet another SC Justice to replace RBG, let's think in terms of the nomination process.


Recently RBG criticized the partisanship of the Kavenaugh hearings; and that was before his accuser showed-up to testify at the Senate's Judiciary Committee. But it is not a very tight description to say that RBG felt regret, remorse, sorrow due to the sham hearing. Loosely, sorrow yes, but more closely she criticized the spectacle in comparison with what she thought was a better way.


Yes, she thought these judicial nominations could be handled in a more restrained manner. And that leads to another decipher of what we have. We do have moar than we know.


Recall how POTUS described what happened to Kav. He said it was a SHAM[e]. What is the definition of SHAM?


A trick that deludes. Hoax. Hypocrisy. A person who shams.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:06 a.m. No.4775804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5808 >>5809 >>5812 >>5815 >>5906 >>5909



Pt 3.


A sham is also a counterfeit purporting to be genuine. False. Feigned. What else might be deciphered from HAMBURGERS?






At this point Anons are likely to recall the Gruber video tapes in which Hussein aid, John Gruber, "committed candor" and described how the Hussein Admin had boondoggled its way to passage of Obamacare.


In fact, during the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election campaign, observers noted that the HRC campaign relied heavily on the Gruber Principle. See the following links.




Sixth Gruber Video Reveals Lies Told to Sell Obamacare's 'Mislabeled' Tax Breaks


A sixth video of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber surfaced, where he explains how Democrats lied to sell Obamacare to the “stupid voters,” this time noting how taxes were purposefully “mislabeled” to get the bill passed.




All this was hidden from voters as Obamacre was being crafted.


Gruber, who received hundreds of thousands of tax dollars for his work on Obamacare and millions from consulting with states on the law, has drawn criticism for exposing Obama’s “master strategy” to “confuse” people in order to get Obamacare passed into law.


The revelations of this mountain of lies has caused Democrats to run from his comments and sent the White House scrambling to distance itself from his comments.


Train Wrecks, Lies, and Videotape


Clinton’s Campaign Is Predicated on the Gruber Principle

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.4775812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5819 >>5906 >>5909



Pt 4.


The deciphering so far has been just an appetizer, really. Take a deeper look at the clues that POTUS dropped with the misspelling, HAMBERDERS, and the correction, HAMBURGERS.





Same amount of letters which line-up quite well. Even the two pairs of letters that differ between the words line-up just so. And while "rue" may evoke "Ruth", these two words now evoke "Ginsburg" and hint at Trumpian playfulness to produce, "Ginsburger". (See pic.)


Lined-up we can see the symmetry. First, look to the end of the words, GINSBURGER and HAMBURGERS. The last 7 letters are the same but are sequenced slightly differently. The S in BURGERS is relocated from the end to the beginning of BURGER.


What may come to mind, obliquely, is The Nothing Burger, an expression used quite often to describe what one side or the other denounces as a non-issue, such as pro-Trumpsters on Russia-Russia-Russia, or pro-HRCers on Muh Emails. Yet we know that POTUS and Q are pointing us toward anything but a nothingburger. Rather, a burger of some significance.


We'll return to this shortly, but for now put BURGER in the back of your mind, top drawer, ready when needed. And we'll trade hamberders for hamburgers, just as POTUS did in his first tweet. (See pic.)

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:11 a.m. No.4775819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5826 >>5906 >>5909




GINSBURGER [10] letters

HAMBERDERS [10] letters


Anons will have noticed how the word, GIN and HAM pop-out. What does it mean to be a Ham or to Ham It Up? What does Gin mean and what does it mean to Gin Up something? Combined to make an effective trap.


Think contentious nomination process for Justice of the SC. Think rally speeches of POTUS. Think twelve moves ahead. And think POTUS as host of the Clemson Tigers at the White House during a shutdown which gives him the excuse to serve Fast Food, including a 1000 hamberders / hamburgers.


If you haven't seen the video, take the time to watch his performance that evening. HAM and GIN are appropriate for the context.


Let's decipher what we have so far.






Anons may immediately grasp the HUBRIS of RBG, but who is Gergen and why use the title, Mr (Mister)?


Recall Q Post 2653 and RBG's highlighting of terms that distinguish between the male sex and the female sex. The use of Mr is trolling of a sort. And Gergen is none other than David Gergen. This all fits the context of judicial nominations. Read the memo that was written by Clinton aid and addressed to Gergen as they considered the potential for difficulties with Clinton's nomination of RBG for the Supreme Court.


Look for the Burger of significance near the bottom of that memo.


These may all be coincidences. Or they be parts of a message or messages. And there is moar.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:15 a.m. No.4775832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5837 >>5906 >>5909



Pt 6.


These may all be coincidences. Or they be parts of a message or messages. And there is moar.


Up to now the deciphering has relied more on the past context of nominations but now we turn to the present/future context.


We have looked at HAMBURGERS / HAMBERDERS, HAMBURGERS / GINSBURGER, and GINSBURGER / HAMBERDERS. From these we have deciphered what appeared to be Q drops that POTUS has now highlighted in the coincidences / messages while feeding Fast Food to the Clemson Tigers.


So we have the play on RBG's last name to produce the fanciful word, GINSBURGER, and we have the misspelling HAMBERDERS. From these examples we'll extend the playfulness – we can ham it up or gin up the reading of POTUS's tweet – with the introduction of the word, GINSBERDER.




Undoubtedly Anons have noticed the plural of HAMBURGERS / HAMBERDERS and the singular of GINSBURGER / GINSBERDER. While there were thousands of hamberders, and moar hamburgers where those came from, there is one Justice Ginsburg, for better or for worse.


In his address to the Tigers, POTUS touched on the inevitability that whilee many of their team mates will return for another run at the Championship, some of the young men will move on to other endeavors, playing pro, studying at different schools, stepping into the fields they have prepared for upon graduation, and so forth. People will move on. Time does not stand still.


Given the context of judicial nominations, we'll concede that Ginsburg was one nomination who became a Justice and that there have been others before her and there will be others after her. Think "over 1000 hamburgers" and think "Within one hour, it was all gone." Burgers plural. It, singular. Let's pluralize GINSBURGERS / GINSBERDERS. (See pic.)


Next: another decipher that builds on the previous instances.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.4775837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862 >>5906 >>5909 >>5972 >>5980 >>6341



Pt 7.




And that produces the following:






Doesn't the made-up word, HAMBERDERS, bring to mind, obliquely, the idea of birds or birders? GINSBERDERS are birds of a kind that flock together, perhaps? Some significant things in common with Ginsburg? (See pic.)


Look at the decipher closely, if you will. Do you see the word, Negress? Not politically correct, in some contexts, but recall the Q Posts that made it clear that there was a deal, a plan, to replace RBG with LL. And have there not been Q crumbs dropped that suggest that LL is a singing bird?


What is a swan song?


RBB is on her way out, EGRESS, and she too may have sung, is singing, will sing. Already POTUS can cite RBG who criticized the way the judicial nominal process has turned so sour. She has sung some already, yes.


But what or who is GRUBER?


Anons, I will leave you with the following links and will follow-up with some links.


Suffice it to say that GRUBER has two prominent meanings in this context. First there is the Gruber Foundation which awarded RBG with their inaugural prize for Women's Rights. Second there is the infamous video that revealed, brutally, the disdain with which the DEMs – particularly the Hussein Admin – held Americans. This is related to the passage of Obamacare but also to the HRC presidential campaign which relied on the Gruber Principle to guide them on all issues.


If you have made it this far in this deciphering, you may have dismissed the coincidences as just random, half-hazard, and lacking coherence. Yet you may still feel that the message(s) resonate with you – given the current context in which POTUS brought young people to the White House to celebrate winning, winning, winning.


Allspeed Anons.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:27 a.m. No.4775862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5879 >>5906 >>5909 >>6261 >>6278



She sat with the stillness of a watchful bird.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Mom's Message




Gruber testifying at hearing, 2009

Clinton’s Campaign Is Predicated on the Gruber Principle


Train Wrecks, Lies, and Videotape

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:34 a.m. No.4775881   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Confirmed by Q? No, not yet, as far as I understand.

However, there have been anagrams that serve future proves past.


The GITMO Five anagrams is an example of this. And that one still unfolding. Another is the We have the votes (re BK nomination). Those are the examples that come to mind at the moment.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 2:43 a.m. No.4775915   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Abortion Legalization and Child Living Circumstances: Who is the "Marginal Child?" [PDF]


Archive for the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Category

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 3:17 a.m. No.4776039   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The longer the shutdown, the more effectively the process becomes embedded and fed employees self-migrate (kek) to the private sector or local public sectors. If this is part of the plan, whew, the Post about a stone and stages of evolution makes for a very clear marker and will stand as a landmark in US history.


Another thought: Reagan had his "shutdown"/stand-off with the Air Traffic Controllers. Deregulation of a different though very important sort.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 4:12 a.m. No.4776301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6323



Yes, Anon, the distinction should be made more clearly. I did not intend to blur the difference.


There is the Gruber Foundation. Prominent example of how Gruber in the deciphering can apply in the context of the nomination process. But that example is fairly broad as the prize RBG was awarded on a global rather than strictly American basis.


The application of Gruber to the nomination process domestically is a better fit as the Gruber principle was on display during the Kavanaugh hearings. But also in previous nominations, also. Now, Jonathon Gruber was not involved in the nomination process but the Principle was.


The distinction between TGF and JG is real and TY for highlighting that. Anons who read the links would not confuse the two, I think, but it is possible.

Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 4:23 a.m. No.4776341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6361



Birds Sign'n. Egress. Gruber.


Birds sign. Negress. Gruber



Anonymous ID: cdac61 Jan. 16, 2019, 4:30 a.m. No.4776361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6440



Birds Sing. Negress. Gruber.


Birds sing'n. Egress. Gruber.


Bird sings. Negress. Gruber.


Who might be singing? And who is the negress? Is not negress in a category of terms opposed by RBG. Negress is the feminine of Negro. It fits the context.


When does a bird sing?

See Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, (poem title).

See Paul Laurence Dunbar, Sympathy (I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings), (line from a poem).


Negress / Negro. Politically incorrect and not used in a racist manner. Neutral.